08.. ❝ mysterious ass ❞

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. · ˚ HEAVENLY ˚ · .

heavenly | matthew sturniolo

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heavenly | matthew sturniolo

[ .. 𝗋𝖾𝖺𝗅 𝗅𝗂𝖿𝖾 ]

🝮 real life

when he finally has alyssa turn to him, he speaks once more.

"lyssa come on let me take you somewhere." he's been begging her all morning, and now he has her face to face.

"where matt. it's literally 4th period and we have lunch after. where could we possibly go?" she throws her hands up and crosses her arms over her chest, clearly annoyed.

"mcdonald's, wingstop, anything lyssa. please."

"matt you can't just buy my forgiveness. i don't want to go anywhere with you, especially not right now." she keeps trying to imitate that the conversation is over, matt however, is oblivious to that.

"why? what's wrong?" he's still trying to convince her to take him up on his offer.

alyssa however, doesn't want to go anywhere with matt. she's still pissed at him from the night before.

"matt stop questioning me." she's walking away from the conversation as she doesn't want to be late for her next class, which has eliza in it, so at least she has a reason to go to class.

"lyssa, tell me what's wrong." matt grabs her wrist for her to turn back around and face him.

alyssa turns around by force and looks matt dead in the eyes. matts not afraid though, alyssa may look tough, but she's the biggest softie once you get to know her. and considering the fact that matt has known alyssa since the 5th grade, he's taken his time to get to know her.

"matt, seriously fuck off. i'm done with this conversation." she grabs his hand with her free hand to pull away and walks to the bathroom. a place where he can't follow her into. the bell rings and matts still in the hallway, standing alone. please come out, is all he thinks. he knows she won't, but a part of him still hopes she does. he eventually gives up and heads to his class. alyssa waits in the bathroom for a few minutes before finally leaving. when she arrives in her class, she comes to find she has a substitute for american literature today. the sub didn't notice alyssa coming in, and nobody's paying attention so she immediately goes to the back where her and eliza sit. eliza's face lights up as she recognises her best friend sit down next to her.

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