40 - Like & Help

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Cole's POV:

Amara: you should come over sometime and meet my mom— properly this time

She wants me to meet her mom? Is she crazy? I've never had a conversation with an adult, except for my mother, that hasn't ended in both me and them being pissed off.

Me: Are you sure you want that? I mean, I'm not the best with people

Amara: maybe you have a point lol. BUT you were so good with her this morning, so why not give it a try?

Me: You're way too hopeful for me, princess

Amara: maybe, maybe not, but i am very sure that i want this. even if i'm just your 'tutor', i want her to get to know you. i know she'll like you just as much as i do :)

I smile at my phone, admiring the way she talks, and texts, and thinks— everything. Every time I see her name pop up on my phone, every time she walks into the room, it's like the world around me disappears.

Hearing her say she likes me, as small as it seems, is something I don't know if I've ever had someone tell me before. It's also the first time I've felt relieved that someone likes me. Usually I don't give a fuck whether a person likes me or not; I actually prefer if they don't.

But for Amara, it's completely different.

For Amara, I want to be someone that makes her feel safe and comfortable enough to be herself.

For Amara, I want to be someone she trusts completely to stay with her through everything.

For Amara, I want to be someone she knows will always care about her and support her no matter what.

My enamor for Amara reaches so much further than I would ever have thought possible, but I've never been more grateful for another human being.

She's the pacification of my constant internal conflict. She brings me serenity when I need it most. She believes in me and that I'm a good person.

I don't know how I can ever communicate how much she means to me, but she does. And whatever we are — tutor and student, friends, more than friends... — I'm just happy she's in my life.

The promise I made to her father's grave that day was not in vain. I meant every word of what I said, and continue to uphold my word. I don't know what that means I'll sacrifice, but I'm willing to do just about anything for her sake.

Does that make me crazy or just wholly enamored?

Probably a little bit of both...

Me: Then I'll be there, just tell me when and where.

Amara's POV:

Cole: BTW It's good to hear the feeling is mutual ;)

I smile at my phone screen, knowing exactly what he's alluding to, but I want to make it a little harder for him to admit it— just for some fun...

Me: what feeling? the feeling of liking my mom? that's a little weird, Cole...

Cole: No, of liking you

I smile widely at my phone screen. I know that "liking" someone isn't a big deal for most people, but for Cole it is. I've seen the way other people make him feel, and I know how he sees the world, albeit much different from how I see it.

I don't, however, know what has made him feel the way he does. Maybe someday he'll feel comfortable enough to open up to me, but I'll be waiting patiently until then.

For now, all I can do is continue to be his support and his person. I don't know what he wants us to be, but I sure know that I want to be able to say that we're more than friends.

Until then, I wouldn't be too upset if what happened last night continues...


* * *

After wrapping up my conversation with Cole, I spend the rest of the day with my mom, talking and laughing and enjoying her company. She tells me about her work and her patients, and I tell her all about Ella, my new friend. I can tell she's happy to see her child finally have a friend— especially since I'm not the social type.

It gets later and once we finish dinner my mom goes off to bed. Because she travels a lot for her work, her internal body clock is off of the local time, so it's not unusual that she falls asleep at 7 PM.

I clean up the table and wash the dishes so that my mom doesn't have to worry about them in the morning. Then, I go and sit down in the living room and put on the TV. The news pops up and is broadcasting about the brand new fair down at the pier. Apparently it is the opening night, and I can't help but get upset that I'm missing out.

Just then, as if summoned, my phone buzzes.

Ella: hey mar! luke and i are going to the fair and want to know if you would go with us

Me: of course! it looks so fun

Ella: yay! do you need a ride there? i can help

Me: that would be awesome, thank you

Ella: okay, be ready in a half an hour

I text Ella an "okay" before rushing to my room to get ready. A half an hour is not a lot of time to get ready when I've been hanging out with my mom at home all day, looking like a slob...

I'm grateful that Ella offered to give me a ride, though, or else I couldn't have gone. Or at least I think she's driving, but by 'help' she could have just meant an Uber. Either way, I appreciate it.

I go into my closet and pick out a comfortable, yet chic, outfit. It's a pretty, light green blouse and my favorite denim skirt. (Pictured below)

I do light makeup and tame my long, tangled hair so that it's back to its silky, smooth state

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I do light makeup and tame my long, tangled hair so that it's back to its silky, smooth state. By the time I'm finished getting ready, my phone buzzes again.

Ella: your ride is there for you

Me: thanks, see you soon :)

I grab a small purse and put in the essentials— lipgloss, wallet, keys, etc— and then I quickly sneak out of the apartment so as not to wake my mom. I didn't ask her about going, but I figured that I'm free to do whatever I want most of the time anyways, so why not?

Once I leave the apartment, I ride the elevator down to the lobby and leave the building. I'm expecting some sort of Uber or taxi to be waiting for me at the curb, assuming that's what Ella meant since she's not driving me herself, but I'm very wrong.

The forest green Ford Bronco is waiting at the curb, and I can see the handsome brunette at the wheel giving me a mischievous smirk through the window.

I probably should have known this was what Ella meant...

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