46 - Beach Part 2

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Amara's POV:

I focus on the green iris of his eyes, switching back and forth between his left and right. I wait for him to say something, anything to tell me that he understands and that he isn't overwhelmed by what I've said.

"Amara," he starts, keeping his hand comfortably on mine, "I won't ever leave you. Not now, not tomorrow, not even if you hate my guts. You're the one person in the world that I can look at and always feel at peace. Do you know how rare that is? I, Cole Anderson, feel at peace?"

A short laugh escapes my lips at his words— his very truthful words— and a smile creeps onto his face.

"I never want you to be scared of losing me," he says earnestly, "You will never lose me. I promise. Like it or not, princess, I'm here to stay."

I can see the vulnerability and full honesty in his eyes, and so with that, I lean over the center console of the car and join our lips together in a sweet, meaningful kiss. It only lasts for a few seconds before I slightly pull back, but still remain close.

"Same here, doofus," I return breathlessly, a wide grin appearing on both of our faces.

Then our lips rejoin, but only for another couple of seconds, and then we pull back. I comfortably sit back down in the passenger seat, and I bask in the warm, tingly feeling in my stomach: like butterflies on steroids.

"Let's go to the beach," I suggest randomly.

It's dark outside now, yet Cole doesn't question my idea at all. Instead, he pulls off from the side of the road and begins to drive in the direction of the beach.

I love that he and I can do literally anything together at any time and it feel completely normal. I could do anything with Cole, and I wouldn't care about what anyone else might think as long as him and I are together.

I love that about us.

There is a comfortable silence as we drive down the freeway, making our way to the same beach we were at not too long ago. The same day that we... Y'know...

Honestly, I wouldn't be too upset if that were to happen again...


The drive to the beach isn't too far from where we are since we had just left the pier, and the beach is basically down the road.

We pull into the parking lot by the water in no time, and we get out of the car, grabbing the spare towels Cole always keeps in his car on the way.

We make our way leisurely down the sand dunes and walk down the beach to find a perfect spot. Since it's so late, there is no one else on the beach, so we get our pick of wherever we want to sit.

We eventually settle down right around where we sat the last time we were here, right around the cove. We spread out one of the towels to sit on, and it's big enough for the two of us, but we have to be close to fit. However, I'm not complaining and neither is Cole.

We use the other towel as a blanket since it gets chilly at night, especially since we're right by the ocean. I sit down with my legs out in front of me and my arms behind me to hold me up, and Cole lays down with his body basically on top of my legs, his head resting on my stomach.

He is laying on his stomach, and he puts his chin on the exposed skin on my abdomen and looks up at me with a soft smile on his face and something glimmering in his eyes, his arms wrapping around me and joining behind my back.

"You're unbelievably beautiful," he says out of no where, making me blush uncontrollably.

I hope butterflies don't make any noises because my stomach is filled with them right now, and it would be embarrassing if he could hear them...

"Thank you, pretty boy, not too bad yourself," I reply, combing through his hair with my hand.

His smile gets even more wholesome, and he lets out a comfortable sigh as he puts his head down on my stomach. I continue to comb through his hair, massaging his scalp in a way I can tell he finds soothing.

We sit like that for a while, just relaxing to the sound of the calm waves rolling in, nobody else around to bother us. It's quiet, but it's comfortable. I love how I don't have to try when I'm with Cole. With him, silence isn't uncomfortable, and awkward small talk is unnecessary.

I love it.

I love him.

Oh my God...

I love him.

I really love him.

And I'm 100% okay with it.

I'm not scared or anxious or uncomfortable— if anything, I'm happy.

I'm not worried if he loves me back or if he's going to abandon me because I trust what he said earlier. He will never leave me.

He cares.

He understands.

Whether or not he loves me, he will stay.

And I can live with that.

Although, I wonder if he feels the same...

The old Amara would never even dare to confess how I feel to Cole or ask him how he feels about me. The old Amara would be caught dead before being vulnerable.

But I'm not her anymore.

I'm the new Amara.

I'm becoming the best version of myself thanks to Cole, and that gives me more confidence than ever before.

So I say, "Cole..."



I warned y'all that it's a slow burn!!

Sorry for the cliffhanger, but the next update will come soon, don't worry lovelies! 💗

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