Chapter 5 - family

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Heres a reminder, you don't have to read

"GET OUT NOW," "huh? What? Its 12 in the morning ma," slurring on her words she continues "I. SAID. GET OUT YOUR 18 NOW," "ok i will," trust me on that 3 thought "but give me time, I haven't packed and my flight doesn't leave until a month." "UGH, WHAT EVER IS YOUR NAME, GET OUT BEFORE I KILL YOU LIKE I TRIED, THAT ONE TIME" "mama,that was a dream," "I'M GETTING YOU FATER" "dad barely remembers to get 3 people food instead of one, he won't care." The mother starts to cry, walking to her child, "i, i'm sorry, i don't wanna be like my family. The juice is wearing off" " juice huh. Mom I'm leaving" "wait i'm sorry," 3 gets up starting to pack as the mother sits on the floor, crying "please don't go, we will do anything" 3 stops at the bedroom door. With a bookbag and a suitcase "anything?" "We can be a family again!" 3 starts to walk out, but stops "again? We were never a family to begin with." "We were!" "Mom your a alcoholic, dads a gambler, and i smoked, only thing we have in common is a last name, and having these addictions to not think about each other."

[this takes place right after flashback 2]

. .. ...7/23/04... .. .

3's mother - "thats not true, we love each other, isn't that family?"
3 - "once you were clean for a month, you started trying to restrict dad's gambling"
3 m -"and?.."
3 - "dad spiked the juice, which is why I don't drink it, and why you're angry. I don't think thats love"

In disbelief she was practically laying on the floor, with her hands on her eyes, putting his bags down and walking over to sit her up and sit next to her, laying his head on her shoulder, but not expecting a hug, he was so used to her just sitting down after crashing and him just sitting next to her but he hadn't gotten a hug from it before, some times she softly pushed him away, some times she sat there doing nothing, getting up and putting her on a mat with a few blankets and pillows after she had fell asleep, grabbing his things and writing his parents a note saying one day he'd visit, saying one last thing to his mom, and closing the door.

... .. .

Walking down the street he came across a house that was in the woods with a walkway to it, the door was open and the lights were on with what he assumed was red curtains on one of the rooms on the second floor, walking towards it he saw 2 people running away from the house, with no regard for his safety [he didn't care what happened as long as it was quick-] he walked to the door, not going in, calling for anyone in the house, the only response he got was a baby crying following it upstairs [because apparently he's that one alone girl in a horror movie] finding the room, the upstairs was a mess, like someone had ran though it trying to knock everything over, getting to the room and opening it, it was the room with the red curtains, except there was no curtains, it was blood, everywhere, two dead people, who 3 assumed was the parents, and a knife, the cradle was covered, and the parents had died near the bedroom door, but blood was covering the room, some maniac [or maniacs] had smeared their bodies and blood everywhere, the baby only started crying after he had called a couple of times, so maybe he slept through it, picking the kid up he slowly fell asleep back asleep laying on 3 while he looked for a pacifier or bottle that wasn't covered in blood.

... .. .

It was pretty dark and 3 was woken up less then 45 minutes ago, so he didn't think to wash his shoes or hands, so he was bound to get stoped by someone to see if he was ok, which what would happen next,

S [stranger] - "are you ok???"
3 - "hm?"
S - "are you ok?"
3 - "mhm, why?"
S - "your hands and shoes are covered in.. I assume blood by the smell, and you are holding a baby with a backpack on,"
3 - "oh, oh yea,"

3 was running on autopilot pilot and completely forgot about the blood and child, 3 told him what happened in the last hour of his life and so did the stranger, who introduced himself as Oliver, 3 introduced himself after him as Jamie, Oliver offered to stay together which Jamie accepted after Oliver promised he wasn't a murder.

. .. ...7/24/04... .. .

Jamie woke up in a bed, getting up and walking downstairs and not remembering much from last night, the stairs were in front of the door, to the right of the stairs was a wall and to the left was the living room, which had a window on the wall next to the door, the kitchen being behind the couch that was facing mostly towards the window, with a bit of space between the island and couch, Oliver was taking to someone, he grabbed a bottle and a glass of normal milk, and sat on the floor, Jamie walked over, not being able to see who he was talking to but he assumed it was the baby he had found, and that was mostly true, and little kid was standing holding the glass of milk, while Oliver seemed to have taken the baby away from the small child, now holding the baby in his arm and holding the bottle with the other he looked up at Jamie.

O - "good morning Jamie,"
J - "ehh.."
O - "well I didn't think you knew it was 1 pm,"
J - "no not that, I'm just not used to my name,"
O - "huh?"
J - "I think I made it up on the spot, I was never named,"
O - "yeah my dad forgot for awhile, do you not like Jamie?"
1 - "no not really, just call me one for now"

The kid had sat down next to Oliver drinking the milk he had gave it, 1 sat across from Oliver, who was staring at the bottle.

1 - "hey, how did I get in the bed?"
O - "firstly you asked me to open the door, after that I had to convince you to wash your shoes and take a bath, while I washed the baby's clothes, and its self, then you came back and took the baby and walked to the nearest bed, which was mine but still, the baby slept next to you until it got hungry"
1 - "oh sorry, I didn't mean to make you sleep on the couch"
O - "I didn't, there's a guest room upstairs down the hall,"
1 - "oh, I didn't notice,"
O - "last night or a few minutes ago?"
1 - "probably both, who are they?"

Finally acknowledging the kid that was listening in on their conversation, it started a conversation about both kids, Oliver said he had found them outside, admitting that he doesn't know its gender, nor does it talk much, obviously with the blood everywhere 1 couldn't find a color that might say the baby's gender so he definitely didn't see a birth certificate,

[note : everyone in this story so far has a told gender at "birth" and there is no way to check because no one actually gives birth, which is why this conv exists]

Word count : 1262

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