Chapter 18 - like

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. .. ...7/24/05... .. .
. ..10:49.. .

1 had actually woken up on his own an hour or so ago, [which was when Oliver would wake him up] but stayed in his bed, mostly thinking, but also trying to fall back asleep. he only got up when he knew Oliver probably hadn't slept yet. him and Oliver were very different with sleep, 1 wanted to sleep all day and Oliver just had to stay up, despite both of them having trouble doing what they wanted.

1 left his room and knocked on Oliver's room door, when there was no sound inside he opened it. he wasn't in there, walking downstairs and to the spandrel [door under the stairs] this door led to a hallway, with locked doors on both sides of the hallway [which was the same size as the one upstairs] walking to the last one which was unlocked he knocked, when he heard nothing he open the door to the study, with a book case, despite Oliver claiming one of the locked doors had a bookcase that took up most of the room he still had a small one in almost every room. it was the same with this room too, 1 saw Oliver with his back to the door and laying his head on the desk, using his own arms as pillows, his reading glasses had fell off, this was normal for 1 to see, as Oliver fell asleep working on what ever it was, or maybe he was reading. even though after taking Oliver to bed he would tidy the desk up he never read the papers and books that would be on his desk.

Pulling oliver's chair back and picking him up he walks out the room. Oliver was talking in his sleep, not something he did normally but 1 didn't try to wake him up, by the time he had got up half of the stairs Oliver's mumbles turned into full words, but still stumbling to say the next word.

O - "I love him?"
1 - "geez, you are dreaming about the guy and don't know if you love him?"

Oliver wasn't really a light sleeper, but he was half awake and half dreaming, and 1 was carrying him so it was very loud, making him waking up and jumping,

1 - "wait! don't-"

Oliver suddenly waking up and getting scared made it so 1 couldn't really hold him closer so he wouldn't fall, when he did he fell on his back then sat up on the stair he had fallen on. 1 was on one stair lower then him, kneeling down to help him.

1 - "are you ok? i'm sorry"
O - "huh..-"
1 - "does it hurt? can you breath?"
O - "hm..? yes I can, and my back hurts but I think its fine? what happened"
1 - "I was carrying you and you woke up after I said something"
O - "why?"
1 - "why I said something? or-"
O - "why were you carrying me-"
1 - "because you fell asleep at your desk"
O - "wha- "
1 - "did you think the kids took you to bed almost every night?"

1 stood up and helped Oliver up, when Oliver tried going back stairs 1 stoped him and lead him to his room, once 1 had gotten Oliver in his room, he had already closed when Oliver started to talk again.

O - "why do you take me to bed?"
1 - "because I care about you??"
O - "why did you say somethingg..-"
1 - "I was just making fun of you"
O - "why?.."
1 - "you said you love someone, I assumed it was your 'crush'"
O - "waht.. I thought that was a dreamm..."

1 could hear Oliver sit by the door and lean on it, so he did the same, he could also hear that Oliver was going to sleep again.

1 - "I guess it was, but you were talking in your sleep too"
O - "mhm-"

Oliver waking up in a mostly-awake-but-could-pass-out-any-second state was normal, 1 would just talk him to sleep, though Oliver in this state would tell him he liked 1 talking, so usually 1 would just tell him what happened in the last day or 2, or something that had happened in the last few moments. though this wouldn't help him remember it happening at all when he woke up for good, it was still something to tell him.

Half way through telling him about the last day, Oliver stop staying things back. getting up and carefully opening the door, though there was no need, he had laid completely on the floor. picking him up again he laid him on his bed. only when 1 put the cover over him did he turn around. 1 would have called him a weirdo but he had learned from the stairs to not do that

... .. .

When the kids had woken up they had asked to go outside, even though both could talk, they didn't really want to, instead they dress themselves and stood by the door waiting for 1 [who was making his 4th cup of coffee], he was tired and at this point he was drinking the coffee just for the taste, putting the cup on a small table near the front door and walking out the door with the hand of each child in one of his, with out realizing it the kids made him walk to Sunny's house, her house was only a block or so away, not even a 15 minute walk. and the guys had taken them to Sunny's house if they just wanted to sleep or something. apparently the kids liked Sunny more then their own parents because the led him right to the door, and knocked, the 1 year old then handed 1 a hot cup of coffee.

1 - "huh? where did you get this from"
2y - "I took it and gave it to him"
1y - "its yours"
1 - "uh.. ok-"

When Sunny had opened the door to see 1 drinking coffee from a normal at home mug and the kids she honesty thought he was getting kicked out or something, he was wearing his hat and sweater [with pants on-] and she had never seen his even drink coffee, or be in his sweater, nor did she even think it was his because of how much Oliver wore it, while questioning 1, the kids had walked in by themselves.

1 - "well I was taking them for a walk, but they led me to your house"
S - "where is your boyfriend, and why do have his sweater on?"
1 - "its actually mine, and Oliver is asleep"


1 - "wait, no he isn't my boyfriend-"
S - "I was hoping you didn't notice"
1 - "i'm just sleepy,"

She invited him in, which is where they found the kids in the living room. sitting on different couches Sunny starts talking again

S - "I don't know whats cuter, you giving him your sweater. or him wearing it so much"
1 - "I might take it off, why are all your blinds open"
S - "because I like it Sunny"


1 - "I hate you for that joke."
S - "but I do, anyway whats with the cup of coffee,'
1 - "kids took it when we were leaving"
S - "so how is your morning, you aren't really a morning person"
1 - "its 12- not really morning anymore-"
S - "just answer the question,"
1 - "Oliver said he would let me sleep in but I couldn't sleep for long. then I went and found him and took him to his bed."
S - "why?"
1 - "wouldn't you?"
S - "yea I get why I'd do it, because he keeps staying up. but why you?"
1 - "because I care about him."
S - " but you wouldn't do that for me!"
1 - "because I don't like you"

Taking a sip of his now just warm coffee, he said it just to make her mad but he didn't think she could flip it anyway.

S - "that Implies you like him,"
1 - "well I do, I wouldn't live with him if I didn't like him at all."
S - "I meant love,"
S - "do you love him?
1 - "uhm-"
1y - "dads"
2y - "I hate them both"
1y - *gasp* "nooo-"
S - "1 your silence is only a yes,"
1 - "i've know him for a year,"
S - "not what asked"


*door bell sounds*
[still can't write bell sounds]

1 got up even though he was the farthest from the door, but when he opened the door he knew it would only make it worse.

O - "i'm assuming that it was the kids who left the note,"
O - "why are you here anyway?"
1 - "the kids took me here, uh if Sunny says anything assume its a joke-"
1 - "also, why do you smell so much of roses?"
O - "huh- oh your got your sweater, also you have never noticed before?"
O - "hi Sunny,"

Sunny had walked to the door and the kids followed,

S - "good afternoon, guess what Oliver!"
1 - "I get why he wanted you to shut up last night-"
S - "anyway-"
2y "dad loves you"
1y - "other dad loves you too"


2 - "what, that what Sunny said"

The kids beat Sunny to ratting the guys out, even though they didn't know if true or not. with the 2 year old defending themselves when every adult stared at them.

O & 1 - "you love me?"


1 - "do you just want me to just close the door and I go home later?-"
O - "yes-"

Word count : 1583

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