Chapter 24 - awake

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. .. ...9/18/21... .. .

Eirn woke up 3 days later [but obviously he didn't know that] it was only 4 other people in the room, his mom, mother, Azzy, and Aloe. Aloe was only in here because Mimu was getting something and wanted him to tell Eirn something if he woke up today, mother in the last 3 days had contacted his mom, he ignored her because he assumed she was a hallucination, which is why he also ignored Aloe too because at this point he though he hated him more now because of the whole living two rooms down thing. his mom was standing near the door while the rest of them were in different corners of the room.

He sat up and mother who was the closest to him told him good morning, but when is actual mother started talking he looked around then room just to see what was in it,

Mo - "Eirn?"
E - "yes ma'am?"
Mo - "aren't you at least going to say something to your mom?"

Confused he looks at her again, he didn't remember since it had been 9 years, they all sat there, mother didn't know what to do, Azzy had gone though hell for the pass 3 days and hadn't even processed that he was awake yet, his mom didn't know what to say because in the first 2 minutes she said it, and Aloe thought he should leave but the mom was standing in the way.
No one said anything until Rose opened the door

R - "its very quiet"
Al - "how are you here?"
R - "the four person limit means almost nothing,"
Mo - "she can stay"

What mother said confused him, he thought Aloe was a hallucination so when Rose walked in and started talking to him he though she was a hallucination too

E - "but I thought you hated me? why are you here"

He didn't exactly mean to say that, or anything at all. he put his head in his hands and gave up any cover up he could have done.

Al - "I don't hate you, I thought you hated me?"
R - "its embarrassing how long this conversation took."
R - "we tried telling you guys, but you swore"

Aloe began to say something but didn't, they didn't really have a reason to think it for around a year,Rose left and Aloe did too after giving the note to Eirn. his mom sat in the chair to his left. a few moments went by, with Azzy whispering to mother every minute or so.

Em [Eirn's mom] - "Eirn i'm so sor-"

She got cut off by the sound of the door being hit, then it unlocking and Mimu kicking the door open, [he opened it normally then kicked it after just kicking it]

M - "oh hi, who are you"
M - "wait, Eirn you are awake!"

He ran over and gave him a hug before he could lift hers arms to hug him back, he was talking about his mom when he first walked in but forgot all about it when he started talking again.

M - "mom I need your help,"
Mo - "was that you who-"
M - "I got it at some point, now-"

He paused and looked at his hand, which had nothing in it but that seemed to be the problem, he ran to the door and looked out it, he seemed to say something to Rose and Aloe which was 'why didn't you stop him' to which Rose said something like 'he's a grown man and didn't want to be there', Mimu still walked back over to mom and asked her to follow him, she kissed both Eirn and Azzy on their heads and said goodbye and closed the door behind then when they walked out.

Mimu walked into a hallway with not many people and started whispering,

M - "mom! the humans found a another plant!"
Mo - "Mimu, its counterintuitive to quietly yell,"
M - "I have zero idea what that means but I saw Kai and Jayden and Wyatt at the bakery, so I went outside and they said-"

He kept telling her what happened so at some point she stoped and asked what happened a few moments ago

M - "well I was holding onto his arm and I got to the door, kicked it and fell so then I opened the normally then kicked it"
Mo - "are you ok? why did he leave after letting you bring him all the way here"
M - "ohhh, thats why"
M - "ok when I fell I let go of him and forgot then I saw everyone, and when I first grabbed him he pulled his arm away from me and it hurt it because he thought he was a lot less strong then he is"
Mo - "did he say sorry?
M - "mhm, thats why he didn't try to fight anymore"
Mo - *sigh* "well what does he look like?"
M - "tall with long hair, with"
M - *gasp* "that"

Mimu pointed at the man who walked in circles and was now back at the hall he had left, mother pushed his arm back to his side as she asked if he was sure. but he was so sure that he didn't answer and just walked up to him.

M - "hi again"
"Mimu please just show me the exit,"
M - "nope, I got mom to help you"
Mo - "whats your name sir?"
J -"Jamie, can you let me go"

Mimu grabbed his coat again but he did nothing because he didn't want to hurt him again, he gave up asking and looked down the hallway,

J - "yea maybe I do need water,"

He left, Mimu followed and so did mother, but none of them knew were they ended up. they were on the other side of the hospital and when a nurse found them lost, they took them to the exit, where Jamie still couldn't get Mimu off him and gave up again, the 3 sat on a bench outside.

M - "why did you have to look down the hall for water"
J - "what?"
M - "why did you look down the hallway then want water"
J - "Mimu you had like 20 minutes to ask me that"
M - "well i'm asking you now"
J - "I thought I saw my kids down the hall"
M - "oh Aloe and Rose?"
J - "I still didn't get water."

Jamie got up abruptly when Mimu didn't think he would so he let go. when Mimu got up after him mother asked him to leave him alone, she got up herself and followed him.

Mo -"sir where are you going?"
J - "home or my car where ever that is,"
Mo - "why do you still think you need water?

Mother thought she knew what was going on but didn't want to say anything that wasn't true.

J - "I just misheard him, and i'm kinda having hallucinations, I assume he told you i'm like him?"
Mo - "yes he did, why haven't you gotten help?"

Even though he didn't feel like it he told her what happened at the last hospital he'd been to , by the time he was done Mimu was right next to them, holding the end of his tail

M - "mom the pain didn't go away"
Mo -"it still hurts? you should have told us"

While mother cared for Mimu, Jamie walked off and when she stoped he was already gone. mother took Mimu back in the hospital while thought on it, she could have said something but she thought she'd leave that for next time they see him.

Word count : 1560

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