Chapter 22 - Alex

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. .. ...7/27/21... .. .

The kids had left him for a few hours, they had planned to convince him to go to a hospital but when they walked back there was a boy with half pink and half black hair, immediately Wyatt walks ahead of them and starts talking to the boy, he lived in one of the houses that could see the forest, and he knew Wyatt as a friend. Instinctively the boy and Jayden pointed at each others hair and shouted 'pink!'

"I would have done fully pink if my parents let me,"
"OH part of yours is pink too!"
J - "I made him do it"

Jayden said proudly as Wyatt and Kai waited for them to stop talking, for no reason they started going on about different things they had in common, they didn't even ask each others name yet

Ka - "uh, Jayden we kinda got something to do,"
J - "oh yea, can he come with us?"
"what are you guys doing"
W - "trying to save a guy,"
"yea sure, i'll go"
W - "what- we don't even know if he wanted us to tell you"
"its just a guy in need of saving, why wouldn't he want people knowing?"
W - "why are you even here-"

While walking out of his house to get something for his dad, the boy saw Wyatt bike into the forest and about 20 minutes later leave with those two.

"I was going to walk in, until I saw you guys walking over here"
Ax [for alex] - "wait, sorry my name is Alex, i'm Wyatt's boyfriend"
W - "he isn't"
J - "we can just ask him,"
W - "fine,"

Kai had sat down, they were walking all day so his legs didn't wanna stand a wait, everyone then stared at him so he sighed and got up when they started walking

Ka - "was I meant to wait"
J - "yes! thats very rude, Wyatt was introducing us to his boyfriend"
J - "wait no-"
Ax - "nah thats right"
W - *sigh*

... .. .

The man was still asleep, just like they left him. they didn't know if they should wake him up or not but he woke up anyway when they got closer, the 3 briefed Alex on the plan but didn't really tell him what he was or why he was sick.

Ax - "Jesus, you're tall"
"yea, he said that too,"
Ka - "you heard that?"
"you said it 10 seconds after I closed my eyes"
"i'm not even that tall,"
J - "not the point, we have to take you to the hospital"
"I told you why I couldn't"
W - "they don't have to x-ray you, do you know why you'd get sick?"
"lack of water but i'm not much of a plant anymore, and that only helps with the passing out a little"
Ax - "wha-"
W - "well how do we know if you are getting better?"
"you can't anymore, my skin and hair aren't reliable anymore"
"and the hallucinations would be the last to go, and they are still here"
Ax - "uhm?"
J - "oh sorry, does your head hurt?"
Ax - "yea- i'm getting light headed-"
Wyatt hands him a pill to which he doesn't take right then
Ax - "I don't trust you not to kill me with all the jokes I make,"
Ax - "ALSO- plants?"
"you didn't tell him?"
Ka - "no we thought you wanted to"
"honestly, no"
"i'm half plant and half human, both of my parents are plants, a scientist made me this way"
J - "hes here from the hole in the sky"

Jayden whispered to Alex as he got more confused about it. he decides to ignore his confusion, take the pill and not question it further. they didn't know how to get him to the hospital so Jayden and Alex [unknowably] start threatening him together

Ax - "we will call the police"
"am I breaking the law by being here?"
J - "I don't know, probably, but we will get them to take you to the hospital"
"not even a day ago we ran from a different cop"
Ax - "what-"
ka -"oh, yea we didn't tell them that,"
"did you tell them anything"
Ax - "no, not really!- love the context you guys gave me,"
W - "he told you all we know-"
Ax - "the cop???"
W - "we needed a hat,"
J - "hair-tie but we got the hat too"
Ka - "we got chased because Jayden took the hat without asking"
Ax - "cool none of you died but why?"

Wyatt starts to point to the mans hair but when they all look at him passed out again they start to find out what to do, they didn't actually want to call the police due to them not being the most reliable, and they didn't even know the mans name, and 4 around 16 year olds couldn't drag him [even if he stayed passed out for all of it]

"oh, i'm sorry"
W - "can't really be sorry for passing out"
Ax - "the hat?"
"its so you don't see my hair"
W - "its silver"
"its actually white- wait, my hair is white when i'm not dehydrated"
W - "ok so thats one thing, how long does that take?"
"its happens as I drink the water,"
J - "why didn't it work with the coffee?"
"it kinda does, coffee is good for plants-"

The man stops abruptly, and the kids just stare at him

"I'm a fungus or mushroom, so I grow with coffee, so thats why i'm so tall, and my hair is so long"
Ax & j - "what"
Ax - "thats my third 'what' guys, i'm not getting enough context"
W - "2 and about a half"
Ax - "give me a pity half,"
Ka - "anyway you gotta go,"
"ok, fine, can I go alone, I don't really have a story on why you guys would be with me."
"also I don't think anyone else should know about the plant, and hole in the sky thing,"
J - "I don't trust you, i'll think of something,"
Ka - "are we not going to talk about the coffee thing?"
Ax - "at this point I stoped asking for info,"
"I am a mushroom and in other worlds that isn't mine mushrooms grow well in coffee grounds"
Ax - "why don't you go to a hospital in your world?"
"its been over 10 years since I even saw the man who made me this way, let alone the hole that got me here,"
"he has to move them or it may mess up the 'time line', but,"
He gets up and moves to a different spot on the ground,
"sorry, hallucinations,"
Ax - "oh yea, I meant to ask, how do they feel?"
W - "Alex?? Jesus"
Ax - "well he probably doesn't find it offensive, do you?"
"well no, I don't care I just didn't feel like answering but now I kinda feel bad,"
"cold, every time they touch you. its so much worse when its a lover, i'd be completely delusional if I gave in,"
Ka - "oh.. you had a lover?.."
"yea, uh, 2, one passed, shes rude but nice to me, and I was in love with the scientist that made me this way"
J - "before or after?"
Ka - "you guys have got to start being more filtered,"
Ax - "what! he isn't offended, he just doesn't wanna answer them"
W - "I already plan to pretend this didn't happen"
"before, anyway, when will we go to a hospital?"

'FINALLY' all of the kids say under their breath, Jayden and Alex get on a phone and try to find a ER while Wyatt and Kai left to get water and snacks while they hoped Jayden and Alex didn't burn the forest down while they were gone.

... .. .

They were walking into the ER when Jayden reassured the group that the lie she had was great,

Ka - "I have a feeling I have to remind you we look nothing like him and no one would adopt 4 kids"
J - "dang it Kai!, ok I have a 3rd one,"
W - "can we at least brief it before we get to the desk?
"my name is Jamie Mathews, and me and my wife adopted 3 of you, one os you is my blood kid, and i'm so light and my hair is white because i'm albino"
"I didn't trust your story to be good, I also didn't trust you guys wouldn't wanna harassed me"
J - "what-"
Ka - "what about your eyes?"
"hope they don't even ask about my hair,"
W - "its not likely because of his skin"

When they walked up the the desk the woman confirmed with the kids and let them wait, she didn't care that much if they at least knew his name, honestly she was more worried with his blunt recap of passing out and hallucinations.

Sorry for the 2 weeks of no updates, I'll try to write in order and post- but because I didn't write them in order chapter 24 isn't done and I'm not happy with chapter 3 of "you and I", I'm sorry but hopefully I'll have them done in a day or two.

But chapters 25 and 26 are done [its 2006 of the plants].

[note: I completely forgot about Aloe and his abbreviation is 'Al' so I made Alex's abbreviation 'Al' too and I'm just now fixing it and changing it to 'Ax' i'm sorry if I miss any]

Word count: 1555

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