Chapter 9 - nervous

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. .. ...12/7/20... .. .

Its been an exact week since they meet, so the 3 girls [Rose doesn't mind any pronouns] decided to do their plan,

A - "after school today?"
R - "sure, I wanna see who leaves first"
M - "leaves what?"

Mimu was short and light so they didn't notice when he had walked behind them, M.E. Did [because she was facing them and wasn't beside them] but still didn't say anything because she thought it would've been funny,

Me - "its a surprise"

And surprisingly he took that for an answer,

Me - "before or after dinner?"
R - "after, I want to be full before my brother tries to murder me"

... .. .

After dinner Rose knocks on the door, lily opens the with liz next to her, at the sight of Rose they smile, [Azzy had told them to put Eirn's hair up, because they were the only people he let play in his hair] Mimu was on the floor listening to Eirn read a book out-loud, he had stopped when she walked in,

R - "hey Eirn wanna play a game?"
E - "what game?"

Lily had already took the game and sat it on the floor on the right of the last bed,

R - "well they took it,"

Rose didn't know if they were in on the full plan or not because they set the game up and already got him on the floor,

Lily - "can we play in your hair"
E - "sure but please don't put anything in it,"

Both girls getting on the bed and sitting on it beside each other, they had rubber bands and combs, rose sat down across from him, as they tried pulling all his hair up he would pull out bangs, they were playing for about 3 minutes before Azzy walked in, sitting on the part of the floor closest to the wall, it was a 4 player game and all Azzy and Rose was waiting for was Milan, the game was going slowly because no one really knew how to play, so Azzy joined in as they were trying to figure out what to do,

With milan and Aloe

Aloe was outside because Mimu had asked him to look for a plant that looked different, they were walking down the hallway on the right side [this way they would make it to 111 before he passed his room]

Me - "can I see your hat?"
Al - "no, sorry, lots of people at school ask for my hat, here"

Aloe gives her his hat, he fixes his hair and says its quite uncomfortable without it for long, she really didn't care to look at him or the hat, hold it in a way to were he would see its ok, she opened the door first and put the hat on the second bed, and sitting on the third, seeing Rose made him stop messing with his hair, walking over but seeing Eirn made him stop walking, but continued and sat down, he had saw the game earlier and read how to play, realizing he didn't have to confidence to explain it to everyone he just told Rose who told the other two, eventually both got distracted

... .. .

A - "ok what's going on-"
R - "I stopped playing attention like 5 minutes ago"

At this point Rose was accidentally copying the other two's moves, Azzy had lost already but didn't know it and just assumed they were skipping her turn for some reason and the other two weren't even talking, at this point only Mimu was watching for the whole time and he definitely didn't know what was going on,

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