oumota - somewhta angst onmmgghh

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(oh my godddd)
Also i haventtt.. played drv3...
i dotn fucking care!!
Omota time!!

its inspired by a rolepdlay with my lovely best friend perplexed woah shocked blows raspberries pfffttttt >:P ~".

Kaito and Kokichi were casually talking.
Kokichi always felt.. enticed? by Kaito. He always tried to avoid him because of this, he didn't want to open up too much and ruin his facade.
And yet, here he was.
Talking to Kaito about how he doesn't even know who he was anymore.
He was so caught up in his act that he had gotten some sort of Imposter Syndrome.

It was hard.
He couldn't recognize himself in the mirror.
All he saw was a liar.
But he had to, to end this killing game, to end this all.

He was on the verge of tears, and well, Kaito isn't very smart.
He doesn't know how to deal with your enemy starting to vent about their severe dissociation and imposter syndrome, when he didn't even know what either of those were.

Kokichi looked down shamefully.
He was crying now.
In front of Kaito.
"Fuck, Kokichi, I didn't know you felt that way.."
Kaito said, almost at a loss for words.
This was certainly unexpected.

"I'm sorry for coming to you with all this bullshit, I just couldn't.. Stay.. Like this..."
Oma murmured, twirling his hair idly.

"Thats why I need your help, Kaito."
He said, grabbing a hold of his hands.

"What? What do you need help with, sorry, but I ain't a therapis-"
Momota started, getting cut off by the most painful words he's ever heard.

"I need you to kill me and pretend that I'm alive."
The prankster said, giving the other a determined expression.

"What?— Kokichi!? Are you out of your damn mind?!"
The astronaut said, shaking his shoulders gently in an attempt to ground him.

"Pleaseeee, Kaito??~"
Kokichi put on his facade again, begging in the usual tone that he kept.
This startled Kaito.
It gave him chills.

"N-no, Kokichi. I'm not.. Doing that to you. I can't. Not- No."
Momota stumbled over his words, trying to explain himself.

"You're the only person I can ask for help. Please."
Kokichi said, shifting back to his serious tone of voice.

"Kokichi.. I.. Love you too much for that.. I cant.."
The astronaut said with a frown.

"I love you too. So help me end this stupid killing game. You and me. Together."
Ouma said with an exhausted chuckle.


"You ready?.."
Kaito asked, staring at the hydraulic press with Kokichi underneath it.

"..As ready as I'll ever be. After this, go to the—"
Kokichi answered, beginning his explanation for the 300th time.

"I know! I know!"
Kaito cut him off.

"Are you sure this is what you want?"
Momota asked, just to be sure.
Just for a little reassurance.

".. Yes."
Kokichi was sweating, and Kaito swore he could hear some soft sniffles.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

The button was pressed and it started lowering onto him.

"I don't want to die."


AWWWEWAAAW did i make you sadddd😞😞😞

cause this sure as hell made me suicidal/j

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