impressing the overlord ✰ soudam

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'god, how did i end up in this situation?
sonia dared me to try 'nd impress gundham, or somethin'.. and i couldn'tve just.. turned that down! i'd look like a total loser if i did! but damn, that guys impossible to impress! hell! i ain't ever seen him smile unless its with miss sonia!'
soda thought, huffing as he shoved his hands into his pockets.

'she said he likes flowers.. where the hell could i get flowers..? uh.. jabberwok park, right? i'll check there first..!'
the boy hummed contently, going to the bridge to the center island.
it was quiet, the breeze gently making the leaves on the trees sway..
after a bit of searching, kazuichi found some flowers.. orchids, maybe?
kazuichi huffed, crouching down and gently picking the flowers.
they were pinkish-purplish, creating a beautiful gradient together.
and suddenly, the flowers made the mechanic think of the two..
he just scoffed.

'hah, that's a funny thought.'
he muttered.
'how am i even gonna give these to him? he fuckin' hates me..'
kazuichi whined, adjusting the flowers to look more orderly and organized..
he looked around, settling on using his only hair tie to tie the flowers into a bouquet.. he huffed as he did so reluctantly..
'damn it.. this is so pathetic..! i'm even usin' my last damn hair tie on this!'
he complained, holding the bouquet carefully and walking away..

now just to find gundham..
first, he looked for him at his cabin.. nope.
then, he found sonia, and asked about his whereabouts.
she didn't know, so he searched at the farm.
there he is!

'oi! hamster boy! i've got somethin' for ya!'
the mechanic called out, holding the flowers behind his back.

'ah? what could you possibly exhibit to me, fool? if this is some form of abstruse trap, then heed my warning! the overlord of ice shan't succumb to such foolis-'
gundham started his usual speech, yapping on and on before the mechanic cut him off.

'yeah, yeah! whatever! i got ya somethin'! c'mere!'
kazuichi urged, motioning for him to come over. gundham abandoned the cow he was taking care of, and curiously walked over to him.

'what are you hiding, fiend?'
tanaka tilted his head, looking curious.

kazuichi hesitantly held the flowers out to gundham.
'for.. for you.'
he mumbled, unsure of how to approach this..

'..o..orchids? for me? mortal, what is the meaning of this?!'
gundham asked, looking.. confused.

'.. for you!'
kazuichi repeated more confidently.
'ya like flowers, don'tcha?'
the mechanic tilted his head, pushing the flowers into gundham's hands.

'i-.. yes, i do adore flora.'
tanaka mumbled, inspecting the flowers that were neatly tied together with a hair tie.. he furrowed his brows, this was so.. random from someone like kazuichi.. especially since he's been bickering with him since they first got here.. and they were so.. neat, organized, so unlike kazuichi's character.
'they're.. beautiful.. so.. organized, orderly.. it seems you possess a keen eye for flora.'
he mumbled quietly, his eyes fixated on the beautiful orchids..

the breeder looked back up at soda, and he smiled softly.
his face flushed red and he swore he almost just died from that smile..

'so.. ya like 'em?'
kazuichi snickered a bit, gundham nodded.

'this is.. highly appreciated. i will cherish these orchids for the rest of eternity. thank you, soda.'
gundham mumbled, and kazuichi hummed contently.
the fact that gundham.. appreciated them so much.. and complimented him too.. made him feel all happy and warm and fuzzy inside.. it made him want to do it again..

so he did.

he'd go out, every day, to look for flowers and leaves, each day becoming more symbolic and intricate, each day, the flowers became more and more beautiful, matching in color and paired with beautifyl greenery, and he'd give them to gundham, just to hear him complimenting him, just to see him smile, just to see the slight pink flush appear on his face..

until, one day..
where he couldn't give gundham flowers, where he was stuck in the stupid funhouse..
so he promised to gundham;

'i'll make it up to ya! when we get outta here, i swear i'll make ya a biiiigg bouquet, with a ton of flowers!'
the mechanic said enthusiastically, holding out his pinky.
gundham hummed.

'i am eager to see the marvelous combinations of flora, tamer of automations.'
tanaka smiled, holding his pinky out as they promised..


'i shall stick with my evil until the very end! open sesame, pandemonium! I shall fill hell with true hell!'

haha fuck you guys the babygirls dont get a happy ending!!

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