Izusoda - Soul Friend

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have you guys finally noticed why i'm called izusoda? yeah i'm a sucker for these bastards, and even though there are only like 3 izusoda shippers world wide (including me) i dont care, i'm here to feed them.
i love these despair fuckers pls help

izuru and kazuichi were hanging out, sometimes izuru would come to kazuichi when he was bored, his tired self would always have some sort of entertainment to provide the red eyed boy..

right now, the two were talking, mainly about kazuichi's current project, which izuru took great interest in, being an ultimate mechanic himself.

'pretty much, thats it, you can maybe disassemble it when i'm done if you're that interested in it.. i mean, obviously, i trust your skills as an ultimate mechanic.. so.. i wouldn't mind.'
kazuichi mumbled absentmindedly, still very focused on his work..

'thank you, that is appreciated.' izuru said, kazuichi looked at him strangely, tilting his head..

'i didn't know you could even say those words..'
he sighed out, yawning quietly to himself.
'ya welcome, i guess.'
he went back to focusing on his work, grabbing a different tool, and working on an engine looking thing..

'hajime would've never known what that engine is.'
izuru thought.
he shouldn't think like that.
he shouldn't be thinking about hajime.
he's not hajime.
'hajime would have liked being with kazuichi.'
thats a new thought, but not a welcome one.
he felt very.. pleasant.. at peace, with kazuichi.
'so would hajime..'
he kept thinking about hajime.
he needed to stop.
it isn't good for his psyche.

'keep talking, i'm bored.'
still focusing on his work, souda mumbled, his eyes tired.. talking was the only thing that was keeping that stupid bastard awake at this point..

izuru had most certainly noticed his lack of care for himself, he knew he shouldn't care.
but he did..
'you should rest before you continue to work.'
kamakura said calmly, looking down at kazuichi, who was still working around.

he yawned,
'ugh, not this topic again.. i don't care.'
the mechanic groaned, looking up at izuru for a moment, then back at his work.

'not sleeping in 4 days is not sufficient, you do know that by doing this, you're putting yourself in danger, correct?'
he asked, glancing at his work.

'i've got work, i couldn't care less if i live or die. i already don't eat, don't sleep, and breathe in gunpowder every day, i'm practically on the road to death.'
he chuckled after that, his eyes flickering to despair and back to normal.

'none of the other despairs are like this to my knowledge, why are you?'
kamakura asked, crossing his arms.

'i don't know, and i don't care. i care that i'm somewhat useful, thats it. i've always wanted to die. the only reason i'm alive is because death hates me.
its not like i haven't tried to die before.'
souda says as casually as possible, looking back up at izuru and abandoning his work for now.
thats a first.

'how so?'
the black haired boy asked.

'why do you suddenly care about me?'
he asked, ignoring the question.

'answer my question, and i will answer yours.'
izuru said, kazuichi looked at him with an annoyed expression.

'my mom died, my dad was an asshole and i got bullied at school.'
he crossed his arms, looking away.

'i see.'
izuru sighed..
'souda, could i ask you something?'
kamakura asked, the mechanic looked back at him and nodded.
'would we be considered friends?'
he murmured, clearing his throat.

'yeah. i'll call you my soul friend.'
kazuichi sat back down, continuing to work.

'your.. soul friend..? why?'
izuru asked, confused.

'i dunno. i felt like i should.'
he said absentmindedly..
izuru nodded.

'i see.. interesting.'
he mumbled quietly, crossing his arms.

hi gamers

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