coping with you. ✰ kuzusoda (again)

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fuyuhiko hates change, maybe thats why he didn't find much enjoyment in being alive after despair.
he changed. peko changed. hajime changed. kaz changed. holy hell kaz changed so much and he hated that so much. he missed how obnoxiously loud he was, missed how clumsy he'd act and how uncalculated he all was, how bubbly and annoyingly optimistic he was. he missed his annoying best friend.

he only really talked with hajime now, hajime was the only one who could really get him out of bed to do.. anything at all.
he probably had no place feeling jealous after all they had done, but he was. and he couldn't do anything about it.
he went up to hajime who was, as usual, quietly meditating. it helps calm his mind, he said.

fuyuhiko muttered quietly, unusual for his dominant and cold tone.

the boy, unmoving hummed, acknowledging fuyuhiko's presence and egging him to continue talking.

'kaz won't talk to me.'
kuzuryuu was always blunt, even now. he crossed his arms a bit.

'you can't expect him to talk to anyone..'
hajime sort of mumbled, uncomfortably readjusting himself and sighing quietly, finally he opened his heterochromatic eyes and looked at fuyuhiko slightly confused.
'talk to him first. try and start a conversation with him.'
he suggested.

'he ignores me.'
the blonde said in a slightly impatient tone, furrowing his brows.

'then he's in a bad mood. or he's feeling guilty about something involving you.'
hinata said with a little sigh, going back to closing his eyes and getting back in his meditative position.
'try and talk to him about it. make him talk to you, thats how i got him to talk to me.'
he suggested, he seemed like he wasn't going to talk anymore, so fuyuhiko nodded and left.

kuzuryuu knocked on the door, kaz was clearly dissociating, staring up at the blinding fluorescent lights of his temporary room. it was a habit for most of them..
he lazily looked at fuyuhiko and half sat up, supporting himself with his elbows and arms.
he stayed silent.

'talk to me.'
the blonde said with a demanding tone.

he just stared at him in silence, he'd never do that before all this. he hated how he looked at him, like he had no fucking soul, forever clueless to everything and never truly conscious.

he finally said something, probably the 5th word he's said to fuyuhiko since the simulation.

'is this about my eye? is that it?'
fuyuhiko walked inside, during despair, the yakuza managed to convince kazuichi to get his eye out with a screwdriver and replace it with junko's. he had both of her eyes, among many others of his collection of eyes that would float in jars and glisten.

he stared at fuyuhiko who was now standing closer to him, looking up at him.

a silence took over the room for a few moments.
kazuichi sighed.

'well? say something, kaz. please.'
that last part made fuyuhiko sound like he was begging him to talk to him, his voice cracked and it sounded pathetic and quiet and desperate.

soda mumbled, looking over at his eye which was covered with an eyepatch.

fuyuhiko sat on the bed next to him, taking the eyepatch off. the mechanic adjusted his own glasses and looked at him with glassy steel blue eyes that didn't shine like his hot pink contacts would.

'does it hurt?'
soda asked, setting a hand on fuyuhiko's cheek beneath his eye and inspecting it in a way.

'not.. not unless i'm having a breakdown..'
he mumbled, looking a bit surprised at the contact, kazuichi never touched anyone unless needed usually..

'that's good.. can ya see..?'
he asked stupidly, but he looked interested now, looking at his eye intently like a curious child.

'no.. but i remember being able to during despair somehow..'
kuzuryuu replied, looking at kazuichi in the eyes. his gaze was cold, almost overwhelming in a way.

'you have nice eyes.'
the blonde mumbled, looking away.

'oh, uh.. really..? th.. thanks, uh, makoto couldn't find me contacts.. and i don't really like them so-'
he started rambling, a bit of his old self coming back..
fuyuhiko smiled softly.

'i like them. they're.. uh.. really fuckin' beautiful.'
he mumbled softly and cursed himself internally for not being able to just compliment him normally.

kazuichi smiled softly.
he said quietly, almost in a whisper. he opted for just cupping fuyuhiko's face with one hand now and sort of got a little close..
he looked like he was inspecting his face as a whole now, and not just his eye..

'what.. what're you doing..?'
the former yakuza asked, tilting his head into soda's hand a bit.

he mumbled tiredly, leaning in closer.

fuyuhiko looked at him in the eyes again, and he saw an.. indescribable gaze.. it looked full of love, and adoration.. it made him feel like he was floating..

he whispered, kazuichi sighed quietly, looking away briefly and then looking back as he saw how fuyuhiko subconsciously reciprocated his gaze..

'mm.. mhm..?'
the mechanic hummed quietly, kuzuryuu leaned in a bit and tilted his head slightly.

'you're really.. nice to look at..'
he complimented, it was like they were about to kiss..

'so are you..'
soda mumbled, looking down at his face a bit then back to his eyes.
fuyuhiko cupped his face.

'i.. can i kiss you..?'
the blonde asked, kazuichi stayed silent for a moment, then he hummed in approval.

he nodded, leaning in as fuyuhiko did the same and their lips met.

soda sighed softly, his eyes shutting. neither of them were thinking much, if at all, whether this was wrong, or whether they deserved to feel love after all the hate and despair they've caused on the world didn't matter anymore, at least not now.

fuyuhiko wrapped his arms around kazuichi's neck, leaning in further and deepening the kiss.

they pulled away, and smiled very very faintly at each other.

'baby gangsta.'
kazuichi mused, teasing him.

'baby shark.'
fuyuhiko retorted.

the two made it a habit of being together, kissing or cuddling and saying sweet things to each other and holding hands and whatnot whenever they would feel like it. it took them a long time to realize they should have been since the first time they kissed, though neither were available for a relationship for a long time, the little things, the gestures and loving gazes spoke for themselves and the second the two decided they felt ready, they made it official.

they used each other to cope, and it was comforting to know that they had each other's backs.

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