ice skating! ✰ soudam

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this is a nondespair au + hajime is in their class too because i cant fuckinf leave that fucker out


field trips were always somewhat somber for kazuichi, considering he associated them with.. a lot of bad things. but he always enjoyed hanging out with his entire class, so he supposed it wasn't too awful when it was announced that they were going to ice skate.

kazuichi liked ice skating, and he was incredible at it, he could even do some tricks, like spinning on one leg, doing jumps in between skating, etc. he had great coordination too, which helped immensely. he was great at roller blading and skating too, and ice skating wasn't much different.

gundham.. did not.
he was always yapping about being the overlord of ice, but what would his peers think when they discovered he couldn't skate? hell, he's tried it before, he is terrible at skating.
he can hardly stand on the ice.
and to add to it, his coordination was awful, so it wasn't easy to learn how to skate either.

on the bus there, hajime and kazuichi sat next to each other, talking with each other as per usual.

gundham sat next to sonia, who was talking about how excited she was to skate as she hadn't skated in a few years, and she was really good at it too.

finally they arrived, and they all got their shoes and stuff. kaz had gloves and elbow and knee guards on, just like he did when he rollerbladed.
gundham had his usual clothing on, but his scarf was wrapped up more than usual, as to not let it get caught in the skates. his jacket was ditched for the same reason, and his shirt was replaced with a long sleeved black shirt.

kazuichi got to the rink, all smiley and stuff. gundham stared at him, he honestly didn't think kazuichi would he any good at this kind of stuff, but the moment he saw him in the rink, he knew he was about to be horridly embarrassed by him.
he had no rivalry towards him, but he just knew kazuichi would make some comment about 'the overlord of ice not being able to skate', and he wasn't in the mood to get mocked as is.

gundham was fucking glued to the rinks walls, and kazuichi noticed, he stuttered himself to a stop, slightly far from gundham. the fucker had his hands in his pockets.

'yo, whats up?'
kazuichi asked curiously, slowly getting closer.

'ah. it- it- i-"
he started to stutter, trying to find an excuse, any excuse, even if it was a shitty one.

'what, don'tcha know how to skate..?'
kazuichi asked quietly, tilting his head.
not like what gundham expected from him, it was quiet, hushed, almost affectionate in a way.

'.. n- no. i do not.'
he admitted;
'however, in my realm, i am very capable of simplicities such as skating. my vessel is just.. weakened.'
he crossed his arms, but fell on his damn ass, on the ice, and kazuichi snickered softly, looking down at him and reaching his hand out to help.

'this is humiliating..'
the breeder huffed, taking his hand but slipping once more, he was terrible at balancing himself, kazuichi noted.
he crouched down, and helped him stand with his full body weight.
he didn't even stumble, not a bit.

'do ya want me to teach ya?'
he asked, smiling softly at him as he reached his hand out for gundham to take.

at that moment, time felt like it stopped and tanaka couldn't stop thinking about how absolutely beautiful the mechanic was.
the soft smile, the glasses that rested wonkily on his face, the glistening pink contacts, his little smile that showed so much affection and care and love, his hair, that was tied up beautifully, his bangs that fell out of the ponytail and were tucked behind his ears, the fingerless glove on his hand, his bitten and bloody fingers, injured by his sharp teeth, his nose, that had turned pink from the cold, the way his head was tilted, all of it.

gundham let out a soft sigh, cold, condensated air that you could see leave his lips.
he took his hand, nodding.

soda tought gundham to skate, and he was sure, completely and entirely sure that it was genuine, that he actually wanted to help.
and he did, because he actually learnt how to skate, albeit not too well.

'at least ya can stay away from the walls no- woah!-'
kazuichi yelped as the breeder slipped once more.
he winced as he saw him land on his knees.

kazuichi helped him up once more, however this time gundham could use only his hand, not needing the others entire body to support him anymore.

'do ya want my knee guards? uh, i don't really need them, i don't fall often anyways.'
he offered, taking them off. gundham sort of raised his hands at the offer.

'ah- no- is that not too much to ask?'
tanaka asked as he looked at him, he looked so intent while taking them off.
he grabbed gundham's hand, and kicked his skates so that he fell, but just as he was about to land, kazuichi caught him with his hand, letting go as he greatly reduced the velocity at which he was falling, so that it didn't hurt at all.

he handed them over to him.

'here, put 'em on.'
he hummed, crossing his arms.
gundham did, and he sighed once their hands met again.

'this is.. truly a selfless act. i appreciate this greatly.'
gundham smiled at him softly, which was quickly returned.

'pshhh, its no biggie.'
he crossed his arms, tilting his head as his eyes shut, he shrugged.

'i appreciate it regardless.'
he said, tilting his head too.

a few moments later, the teacher called for them, it was time to leave.

'ah.. how unfortunate..'
tanaka frowned a bit, he was having fun, really.
soda smiled.

'we can come back here and i'll teach ya more, if ya want.'
he offered, holding his hand out. he still usually needed his hand to guide him, but baby steps, he supposed. he took his hand and nodded contently.

someone make them suffer violently

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