kuzusoda - love.

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non despair and hajimes in their class haydyvrbsysvd

Fuyuhiko never believed in love at first sight, hell, he hardly even believed in love.
Being forced into becoming a murderer at age 11, and his father being a genuine asshole to him, didn't help either.

And so, he put on a tough front, like words didn't hurt him, like he wasn't scared of anyone.
And hell, he usually wasn't, but even if Fuyuhiko was, he couldn't show it.
'You're a man.  Act like it.'
His father would say, sure, he didn't hit him ever, but his words hurt so much more than physical pain ever could.
All he wanted was to please the bastard he called his father, however by age 10 he realized how useless that was.

He was now in Hopes Peak Academy, a student attending as the Ultimate Yakuza, he acted annoyed with everyone, and yet he was fortunate to have some friends.
Regardless of that, he still stuck to Peko and Natsumi like glue.
Very very loose glue, that didn't stick well.

However, about a year later, he ended up warming to his classmates, too.
How could he not? They were all so nice.

And so, he found himself going out with his friends more and more often.
And even after a year, he found himself liking Kazuichi Souda, the Ultimate Mechanic.
He was smart, and funny, and loyal, and..really.. really.. handsome..
like- really handsome.

Fuyuhiko snickered to himself in the mirror thinking about Kaz, going slightly pink and looking away.
Luckily, his dad didn't give 2 fucks about who he liked, because he didn't give 2 fucks about Fuyuhiko in general, so it didn't matter to him.

A few months later, Kazuichi and Fuyuhiko were dating.
He felt lucky, really lucky.
He wouldn't say it, but he did.

About 2 weeks into dating, Kazuichi and Fuyuhiko were spending some time together, watching spongebob on the TV.

Kazuichi burst into laughter at a joke made, and he was tearing up from laughing so hard, Fuyuhiko glanced at him, then looked back to the TV, and then back at Kaz.
He snickered at the joke, but he went pink at Kazuichi's laughter.

He was just admiring him laughing, he smiled softly, pure adoration in his eyes.
He felt so lucky in that moment, Kazuichi's laugh was contagious, and cute.

He felt like he was going too fast, but he felt like in that moment, he knew he wanted to be with Kazuichi for the rest of his life.

He chuckled a bit, the mechanic slowly started to calm down, Kuzuryuu smiled, he knew he was probably going too fast, but he couldn't help the urge to cup Souda's face and kiss his cheek.

So he did, and the mechanic shut up and turned pink.

He whined, looking away embarrassed.

'Shut up, I fuckin' love you.'
He hugged him, and Kazuichi did.
He hugged back, smiling softly.

'You're so fucking perfect..'
He mumbled quietly, leaning into the mechanic's chest, Kazuichi, bless his heart, was deaf, even with hearing aids his hearing wasn't all that great, so he knew he wouldn't hear.
He'd be able to tell him more audibly one day.
One day..

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