2012, New York

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2012, New York. The Chitauri are everywhere and screech at the Avengers as they all form together. In an alleyway not far from them, the team appears. "Okay, all of us have our jobs. Two stones are uptown, ones downtown." Peter says as the suits retract leaving them in their superhero suits. "Keep your heads low, keep eyes on the clock." Peter finishes. "Who put him in charge?" Clint asks. "Tony did." Peter says. "Since, besides Bruce, I'm the only Avenger here. You retired, the rest went rogue. Besides, I'm the one with the plan." Peter explains. "Okay, just making sure you know what you're doing." Clint says. They look and see the 2012 Hulk come smashing everything in sight and stands in a Chitauri. Bruce looks completely ashamed at him. "And...maybe smash a few things on the way, Bruce." MJ says. "Seems gratuitous, but whatever." He says as he rips his shirt off and starts fake smashing. "I liked him better when they were separated." MJ says.

Bruce leaps all the way to the sanctum and heads for the door. "I'd be careful going in if I were you." A woman's voice says and he sees the Ancient One. "I'm looking for dr. Strange." Bruce says, "you're about 5 years too early." She says. "Strange is currently performing surgery about 20 blocks away. What is it you need?" She asks. "That, actually." He says pointing to the Eye of Agammto around her neck. "I'm afraid I can't do that." Bruce starts walking towards her. "I wasn't asking." He says. "You don't want to do this." She says. "You're right I don't, but I don't have time to-" he starts but gets cut off as he gets thrown out of his body. "Let's start over. Shall we?" She says calmly.

Up the Empire State Building, MJ and Peter are standing on top of it waiting "Okay, Arrow-Brains, you better hustle. It looks like things are just about to wrap up." Peter says as he uses his mask and sees the original six Avengers surrounding Loki. "Got it. I'm approaching the elevator, now." Clint says on the comlink. Peter and MJ leap off the building and activate their web-wings and fly into the Stark tower. They retract their masks and see the Avengers. "If it's all the same to you...I'll have that drink now." They hear Loki say. "Okay, hey him up." Tony says. "We can all stand around posing up a storm later." He continues on. "And feel free to clean up while you're at it." He walks away. Peter chuckles missing Tony's humor. "Wow." Peter says looking at Clint's old suit. "What were you thinking with that Purple and black look, Clint?" Peter asks. "It looks ridiculous." Peter says. "No one asked you to comment, Peter." Clint says. "He's right, it is ridiculous." MJ says. "I think you look great, Clint." Scott says while sitting on MJ's shoulder.

"You're small, but you're talking loud." MJ says. "Hey, can I switch spiders? Your hair is seriously getting in my face." Scott says. "Do you ever stop talking?" MJ asks. "You married a chatterbox." Scott says. "Who gets the magic wand?" They hear Natasha ask. "S.T.R.I.K.E. is coming to pick it up." Steve says. They hear the elevator and leap to a hiding spot as they take the scepter. "We can take that off your hands." Rumlow says. "By all means." Natasha says. "Be careful with that, unless you want your mind erased. And not in the fun way." 2012 Clint warns them. "Who are these guys?" Scott asks. "They're...S.H.I.E.L.D., if I'm not mistaken. They have the same uniforms as Fitz-Simmons have in their base." Peter says. "Actually, they're HYDRA. They just didn't learn that yet." MJ corrects him. "Seriously?" Scott asks. "They didn't? I mean, they look like bad guys." Scott says. "Yeah, she's right, you're small but are really loud." Peter says. They hear Steve say something and Loki runs into him and mimics him as Thor puts something over his mouth that shuts him up. "Pete." MJ says and points to the tesseract they're putting th a case. "There's our stone." Peter says. "Okay, flick me." Scott says getting into a strange position. MJ flicks him and he lands on Tony as he closes the case and walks away. Peter and MJ run to the window and leap out. They reactivate their wings and glide down. "Okay, Clint, I've got the scepter heading from the 80th floor. Inside the tower, Clint is at the elevator and is waiting for it. "On it. One of you head to the lobby and get that tesseract." Clint says. "Rodger that." Peter says. Clint hears them talking and the doors open and he steps in. "Agent Barton. Thought you were on your way back to the Helicarrier." Sitwell says confused. "Change of plans." Clint says. "Hey, man." Says Grant Ward (AOS fans know him.). "Ward." Clint says. He sees them all getting tense. "Just got a call from the secretary. I'm gonna be running point on the scepter." He starts and they all look confused. "Sir? I don't understand." Sitwell says. "He's precautious. Thinks their might be an attempt to steal it." Clint says. "I can't let you have the scepter." Ward says. "I'm gonna have to call the director." Sitwell says. "That won't be necessary." He says and leans in close. "Hail HYDRA." He says and they're all shocked. A few floors later, Clint leaves with the scepter.

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