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Fourth spending the evening at the backyard alone, he have many bitter sweet memories here. Fourth missed his grandpa so much, he remember his grandpa doing his job diligently every time he sit here. He always accompany his grandpa by watching him silently.

“Rest well grandpa, I miss you so much.” He said while looking at the bright sky. Grandpa advise and teach him a lot about life though he still young. Always down to earth and let go whatever is not belong to him. He is thankful for the lesson.

Fourth turn around when he hear footstep comes near him, not surprise when he see young master of the house, he notice this guy will roam around him. It makes him not comfortable.

Gemini obviously flirting with him, he get the hint and choose to ignore, not taking it seriously. Afraid he is the only one who think so while Gemini have no intention towards him. He learned from the past not expecting something from this guy.

“Can I sit?” asked Gemini , Fourth not answering him because he knew this guy will do whatever he want evem if he said no. Gemini never care what he think so why bother asking.

“Can we talk?” he shouldn’t disturb Fourth me time yet he can’t wait any longer. He have very limited time meeting with Fourth. He wouldn’t have a chance of meeting Fourth if Ma didn’t intervene.

“Fourth, I want to tell you something,” he added even though Fourth never answer him.

"Fourth, are you listening?" Gemini afraid when he see Fourth didn't respond him.

“Say it.” Fourth reply him casually this time.q

“Be my boyfriend again, no this time let’s get marry.” Gemini straight away expressing his feeling.

Fourth laugh out loud with Gemini bold confession. He found it funny when Gemini asked him to get marry. He have no feeling toward him anymore, unlike those years he admit he have a dream settling down with this guy.

How naive he is that time, dare expecting something from this young master although he knew their living standard is different. He thought Gemini doesn’t care about his background, he is wrong. He don’t know Gemini too well, trust him fully when he said he don’t care about his status.

At the end of the day, he choose someone with the same background as him. Even make it as an excuse to broke up with him. His late grandpa is right, he is the one who negligent because he is blind due to love.

Gemini confused with Fourth reaction, Fourth laugh at first then keep silent. He didn’t mind being laugh as long as Fourth is his but Fourth loose his smile.

“Let's get married." He brace up himself confessing what he want.

"Fourth, answer me?” his silent make him anxious.

“No thanks.” He answer simply, no need to think twice rejecting him. Why this young master want to get back with him? before he is the one who dumped him.

“Fourth.” His eyes widened in disbelief at what he heard.

“Gem, I’m moving on, can you do the same?” Fourth too lazy to repeat what Gemini have said to him. It's true Gemini hurt him badly in the past yet Fourth doesn’t find anything wrong with his word.

“I can’t, I still love you. I am the one breaking up our relationship and I’m truly sorry for that. I taught I will be happy with someone else but honestly I am not. When I realize it already too late, you already left me.” Gemini tearing up.

“I’m sorry, I am not interested talking about our past.”Fourth let out a heavy sigh, he get sad easily when those memories coming up. He has taken care of his wounded heart, there’re no chance opening it again when it already heal.

“I was bad before, I hurt you and I regret it. Can you at least give me a chance to redeem myself?” Gemini kneeling in front of Fourth. Holding tight both of Fourth hand.

“Gem...I told you I’m not interested. Go find someone else, you’re great, many people want you, forget me. Let’s remain as friend.” He said softly. His finger wipe the tear on Gemini cheeks.

"I don't want to be your friend."

"If you say so..." Fourth feel aggrieved, Gemini is his dear friend since childhood, he have a soft spot for him.

"Forget about marriage, can we start over?" Gemini decided not to bring up marriage issue.

“Fourth, I don’t want others, I only want you.” This time Gemini put his head on Fourth lap, crying when Fourth seems fixed with his answer.

“This conversation is going nowhere Gem. Please respect my decision, you cannot force me accepting you."

“I want a second chance, please Fourth consider. I am sorry I hurt you, cheated on you, calling you poor.” Gemini admit all his mistake even he knew it’s useless.

“It’s okay, I already forgive you. I just want you accept the fact that between us is impossible.” Fourth rub Gemini head.

“Nothing is impossible, you just need to accept me, at least try....”

“No! Enough Gem...” Fourth is very firm, there is no turning back.

“You said you forgive me, I beg you please let me redeem myself. Start over with me, I cannot live without you Fourth.”

“You can, look how successful you’re.”

“Fourth, please.... I want you, I cannot live without you....” Gemini still begging, he survived all this time because he thought he still had a chance to win the Fourth heart again.

“I’m sorry.”

“Fourth,” all his hope now shattered, his heart hurt so much. He wait for three years expecting to begin a new life with Fourth.

How sad is Fourth that time when he said bad things that hurt him. Gemini never care how he felt that time as long as he can leave him, ignoring Fourth tears.

“Sorry I can’t. You choose either you remain as my friend or we don't know each other." Fourth have to give him a choice.

A/N : Ignore mistake, lazy to edit

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