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"Go home Gem, Fourth." Ma instruct them, today she will stay the night.

"You sure you okay sleeping here Ma?. It's not comfortable unlike your bed." Gemini worried for his mother at the same time joking around.

"It's not a normal room Gem." Ma replied him, this room are big enough for all of them staying together. They even provide an extra bed for Gemini to sleep at night. No need to lay down on the couch.

"Let my wife stay with me, I'm bored looking at you and Fourth every night." Pa added, Gemini speechless with what his Papa said. Fourth smiling knowing Pa doesn't mean it.

"Go home, it's already late." Ma shooing them away, the middle age couple laugh between them.

“Baby, can I sleep at your home tonight?.” Gemini asked permission from Fourth for sleepover softly.

Ma and Pa looking at Fourth waiting for his answer. Fourth cannot refused Gemini request, not when Pa and Ma observing him.

Honestly the couple pity their son in law who have to run here after work. He have to work and also performing his duty as their son.

Gemini working on his own so he can take his time while Fourth different, however Fourth never failed to show his presence here, he sacrifice his time for them, Pa and Ma love him for his selfless attitude.

“Tomorrow don’t come until Ma call you to come. You sleep more, Fourth too. You both look like you're about to passed out.” She pity her son must be exhausted taking care of his father at night. Some more sleeping in the ward surely not same as home.

The newly wed couple yet have alone time, she’s giving them chance spending their time together. Who knows it will help them reconcile although she not sure when it's will happen.

Fourth seems okay in front of them, nobody knows what inside. Ma strongly object Pa idea to make Fourth as their son in law just because he's sick.

Ma rethink back what Pa said to her, he don't want to die without seeing his son married Fourth. If he die, at least he have no regret. That word changes her opinion.

“Gem, don't forget to help Fourth move in onto our home.” Pa already told them, he want his son and son in law lives with them. Fourth  agreed but he have no time to packed up.

Gemini can sense that Fourth doing all this because he want to repay his Ma and Pa kindness. Fourth always gave in with others, he once said seeing others happiness is his jovial. Gemini knows him well.

Anyhow, if he can get benefit from it, Gemini will not complaining. He'll grab this opportunity showing Fourth his effort, prove that he's not the same jerk.

Nowadays Gemini felt a bit calmer because he have legal relationship with Fourth. Nobody can seize Fourth except Fourth doesn’t want him, he can felt ease.

“We go back first Ma, Pa. Anything inform me.” He ordered his Ma before he take turn embracing his parents. As the only son for the couple, he actually afraid if something bad happen to them.

"Rest well baby." Ma kissed Fourth temple when his son in law hugged him.

Gemini stand on the side watching Fourth hugging Ma and Pa. He grin widely, finally he's able to see what Fourth home look like. Fourth doesn’t seem annoyed or anything, makes him more ecstatic following him back.

Small, neat and tidy are his impression on Fourth home, he eyes busily touring around the apartment not noticing Fourth standing behind. He is surprise when he turn back, nearly hit Fourth small frame.

“Sorry baby.”

“It’s okay, take it.” Fourth hand him a glass of cold water, he gladly accepted it. They're sitting on the sofa side by side. Fourth switch on the tv, letting the sound breaking the silence between them, Gemini steal a glance at him.

“Sleepy?” he asked Fourth who yawn.

“Yeah, are you not?”

“Go rest, I can take care of myself.” Lucky they had their dinner earlier so they basically can directly sleep.

Fourth nodded, he sat up and walks towards his bedroom. Gemini give full attention on Fourth until he did't see his shadow. He open his tablet reading and replying an important email.

Fifteen minutes later Gemini enter the room, Fourth not there, still taking his shower. He sit at the edge of the bed waiting. This room is so Fourth, he remember Fourth likes blue and white.

He turn his head when he heard clicking sound opening the door. Fourth surprised seeing him here but said nothing. Gemini eying his husband full body, swallow his saliva.

Fourth only wear his boxer pants and hung a small towel on his neck, he ignore him and walk toward his closet taking an extra towel and toiletries for Gemini.

“What are you doing baby?.” Asked Gemini when Fourth busy taking out things.

“Use this, you have your clothes with you?.” Fourth put down toileteries item beside him.
Gemini stand up, his tall height makes Fourth have to look up.

“Let me know if you need anything.”

Gemini nodded, he take Fourth towel that hung around his neck, helping Fourth dry his damp hair.

"You have a hair dryer? You cannot sleep with wet hair, you get headache later."

Fourth pointing his index finger showing Gemini where his dryer located.

"Come, I do it for you." Gemini make him sit on the bed, started to dry his hair. Gemini can feel Fourth slowly lean his body on him, Fourth have fall asleep when he check on him.

Gemini chuckle, he help Fourth lay his body down comfortably, he cover him with comforter.

"Good night baby." He kissed Fourth eyebrow softly.

After that he freshen up himself. He lay down beside Fourth wearing his boxer pants same like his husband. He pulled Fourth's slim waist into his arms, sleeping peacefully.

Fourth is his now, he can wait forever for him to open up his heart again.

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