VIIII - Accepting The Facts

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Connor said he wanted to talk with Hank for a bit so I let him go with Hank...

Even though Hank didn't know the reason I asked him to take Connor with him.

That night... laying in bed, not sleeping again gave me time to think...

To think about how I'm feeling towards... Connor.

It's strange. I haven't had a lot of time for romance or friendships outside of work.

Between taking on Hanks work and still trying to dig into Cyber Life its difficult to find the time...

But now with Connor...

Just thinking about him had my cheeks flushed and my heart racing. I felt like a school girl with a stupid crush.

I tossed and turned, trying to find any other reason why I would be feeling this way towards Connor but... I couldn't.

I had to face the facts.

I was inlove with Connor.


"You're starting to piss me off with that coin, Connor!"

Hank said through clenched teeth as he grabbed the coin out of Connors hands that he had been tossing back and forth.

"Sorry Lieutenant."

Connor apologised, although there was a sassy hint to his voice.

I've noticed Connor has had more emotion in his voice lately... it's nice.

Currently we were in the elevator to the top floor of one of, if not, Detroits biggest news broadcasting stations.

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