II - Twenty Eight Stab Wounds

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"Why'd you kill him?"

Connor, Chris, Gavin and I were all standing in a room looking at Hank interrogate the android...

So far it hadn't said a word.

"What happened before you took that knife?"

Hank asked...

"How long were ya in the attic?"

Hank questioned... still nothing.

"Why didnt you even try to run away?"

Again, nothing.

Hank snapped his fingers in front of the androids face.

Then he slammed his hands on the table,

"Say something goddamnit!"

He yelled! The android didn't even flinch.

I pinched the bridge of my nose tierdly as Hank stood up,

"I'm outta here..."

He said, leaving the android alone as he came back into our room and sat down with a sigh.

"We're wasting our time interrogating a machine."

I cringed at him calling it a machine...

"We're getting nothing out of it."

He said,

"Could always try roughing it up a little. After all it's not human."

Gavin suggested and I glared at him,

"Idiot. Androids dont feel pain. Besides, the poor things gone through enough."

"Its a machine (Y/N)!"

He sneered and I rolled me eyes,

"They are quite right. Androids dont feel pain. You would only damage it. And that wouldn't make it talk."

Connor X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now