VII - More Then He Could Handle

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Driving to the club with Hank in the back and Connor in the front seat was terrible.

The silence ate at all of us.

Hank tried to sit in the passenger side of my car but I wouldn't let him.

I was angry and hurt...

In the past, I had found Hank in a similar position to how he was tonight.

I begged him to get help, to talk to someone to talk to me. But he refused.

He said he didn't need anyone. That he didn't care what happened to him anymore.

I tried to tell him that I cared, that he was like a father to me!

I think that struck him a little back then...

But clearly not enough.

Finding Hank like that tonight, reminded me how alone I'd be again if Hank was gone to...

And that is a selfish thought I know, but it was one I couldn't help.

I shook off the awful feelings and focused on the mission at hand.

I pulled up in front of the club.

"Ah... feels like someone's playing with a drill inside my skull..."

Hank groaned in pain.

He looked outside the window.

"You sure this is the place?"

He questioned,

After I didn't respond Connor did.

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