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Connor POV

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Connor POV


After watching Detective Grey hurry into the entrance hall, I walked into the kitchen.

They were strange... the Detective I mean.

Not in a bad way. It was definitely a good way.

Why do I feel its a good way?

Software Instability~°•

Shaking those thoughts away, I focused on the three androids in front of me.

We don't know if any of them are deviants...

But to interrogate them properly, I would have to pretend we already knew if one of them was involved.

"State your model."

I demanded of the first android in the line.

I had to watch for any reactions...

"Model JB300, serial number 336 445 581."

Again, I asked the first one.

"What is your function?"

"I am a broadcast operator."

"Have you been in contact with any other androids recently?"

"Only station androids in the normal course of my function."

"Were you present when the deviants broke in?"

"I do not remmeber."

"Run a diagnostic."

I watched its eyes flicker for a moment as it did as it was told.

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