Chapter 1

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The first thing Leona heard was a strange language.

"Na- i hinya coivea?" (is the child awakening?)

"Baw, ada" (no, father)

"My lord Elrond, my lady Arwen?" An old but wise man entered the room.

"Ah Gandalf. Thank you for coming so hastily." Okay the newcomer was called Gandalf.

"Is this the child you wrote about?" Gandalf sounded like some wise old man.

"Yes, it is strange. Her golden hair, would make her an elfling from Galadriels's realm or at least Mirkwood, but neither have an elfling missing. Nor has there been one born in a long time. We don't understand where she came from." The other male spoke. That must be Elrond.

"Where did you find her?" Gandalf asked.

"Near the Last bridge, just past trollshaws. Something pulled me there, that's why I left so hastily father." A woman's voice. Arwen probably.

"Have you had a look at the strange markings on her hands? And the scars on her back?" Elrond asked "What of those bracelets? They seem to be made with some sort of magical energy."

"Don't touch them." Arwen warned. Someone touched her wrist, probably the one with the bracelets. Three threatening growls were heard, and then Leona felt the nearest presence move back. "When I found her these three were with her acting as if they were guarding her."

"We wish your master no harm. We merely have concern for her well-being and unknown existence." A huff was heard, before a wet something nudged Leona's head ultimately waking the girl up. First her eyes opened slowly. Then the girl sat up weakly.

"Oh careful, you don't have your strength back yet." A pair of hands helped Leona sit up with a pillow behind her back for support. Looking around the blonde was startled to see three humans and three wolves in her room. No, not three humans, one human. the other two seemed human but different. more like she had always imagined elves to look.

"Are tye ehtelë hinya?" (are you well child?) Elrond asked

"Are cin eithel hén?" (are you well child?) Both languages got a confused look.

"Are you okay child?" the old man asked. Slowly nodding they were relieved to find the girl able to understand at least the common tongue.

"Do you have a name?" she nodded again.

"M-my name is L-Leona."

"Who is your family, Leona?"

"Don't k-know. Don't remember. Why can't...I...oh." One of the wolves grabbed something off a nightstand and gave it to the blonde. It seemed to be a book. The cover had an intricate pattern. A circle with a complicated design within its shape. In the outer ring, something was written in cursive and a strange language, to the others in the room.

"I found this purse when I found you. It had that book in it along with the cloak on that chair and another book."

"I viaggi del vagabondo." Leona read.

"You can read that? What language is it?" the man named Gandalf asked.

"Italian. It means wanderer's travels."

"Fascinating." The wolf that was on her right side, nudged her right hand onto the book, and a current ran through her hand. It caused some kind of energy reacting to the markings on the book. Startled Leona pulled back throwing the book away accidentally hitting Elrond.

"Sorry sir." Leona apologized.

"You were startled it's fine. If you feel up to it, you may get up and join us for lunch. I am certain you could use proper nourishment after the three days you slept." On cue Leona's stomach growled.

"Some food would be appreciated. Thank you." Leona was embarrassed at the sound though those present were politely ignoring it.

"I'll take you there, when you are freshened up." Arwen offered while the men left. Two of the wolves disappeared but the biggest black-furred one just followed the men outside.

"Thank you miss Arwen." The blonde smiled politely.

"You're welcome." Leona thought of something to keep the silence from getting awkward.

"May I ask why mister Elrond called me an elf-ling?" If Arwen was surprised, she hid it well.

"Because you are. Did you not know? You have the telltale looks like all elves do." That shocked Leona.

"W-what? I'm human, aren't I?" She asked the dark-haired woman.

"Oh dear. Your memory loss runs deeper than thought. Look." Arwen showed Leona her own ears which had pointy tips. Then she gave Leona a hand mirror and pulled her long blond hair back to let the girl see for herself. The blonde checked both sides and indeed, she had the same ears as Arwen.

"How strange. Oh well. another on the memory-loss list I guess. Perhaps with time I may regain memories. But first, food." She shrugged it off.

"I'll let you get dressed." Arwen turned to leave the girl for some privacy.

"Can you help me please? I can dress myself but I am not certain what to wear." Leona didn't want to stand out too much. Arwen felt pity for the young girl. she would need to re-learn a great deal. 

"Of course, I will also help you do your hair."And so Leona got changed into a simple dress and her hair had been put in a simplebraid that swept over her shoulder while a few strands were left loose framingher face. 

Then Leona left the room, bare-footed and found the black wolf waiting.

"Are you hungry too?" The wolf nodded and nudged his head a certain way. "Can you smell the food?" Another nod.

"Your wolf friend has been exploring the area. He knows how to get around so he and his pack can hunt." Arwen explained as the two women followed the wolf.

"What's your name? I can't call you Wolf all the time." He nudged her hand on his head.

'My name is Fenris, master. The other two wolves are my sons Skoll and Hati.'

"Nice to meet you again, Fenris, apologies for forgetting." Leona felt bad. This wolf and his sons were with her for probably a long while and whatever caused her memory loss made her forget them.

"Ah there you two are, come join us." Gandalf greeted the two first as Fenris disappeared.
Apologies for my late post. I had some stuff to deal with which kept me from writing and editing this first chapter. 

That being said, welcome to the first chapter of Leona's last journey. I hope you'll enjoy reading this story. It is recommendable to have read both previous parts to understand Leona as a character though it is of course completely up to you the reader whether or not you choose to do so. Let me know what you think in the comments or as a private message, I do read them all...And have a nice week!!

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