Chapter 13

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Sometime later...

Felix and Haldir had been waiting and watching for what felt like ages, when the door that had been used opened again and Fenris came out carrying Leona. Meeting up with the giant wolf, they noticed the scorched edges of Leona's clothes, and her hair was slightly burned too. She had a few burn marks as well.

"I have some soothing cream for those wounds until she can be taken care of properly." Haldir let Felix apply the cream sensing the young man was feeling extra protective over the blond girl. He too was protective but in a sort of brotherly way rather than the loving way he believed Felix as well as Leona to have grown their bond with one another yet neither realized it yet.

Making sure Leona was able to travel the three went back to Lothlorien, to be welcomed with a worrying Arwen, and a troubled-looking Galadriel. Something that was never a good sign.

Leona was taken to a medical room where her burns were looked after while Galadriel used her healing abilities only to be concerned. "She has met the foul beast. She has seen the darkness that's growing in this world. And she has learned more of her reason to exist. Guilt is in her heart believing her bloodline is to blame, for the darkness that is taking over more and more people's hearts."

"What can we do to help?" Celeborn asked his wife.

"She must learn of her ancestor's past, therefore when she is healed I'll take her to the heart of this realm. The heart is where Druanthys once resided. Felix, perhaps you should tag along. She may need your support when she learns who her ancestor was and how her bloodline travelled realms."The eldest female elf in the room said turning to the young man who was determined to help his

"You mean to say she's..." Arwen realized just what her grandmother was implying.

"The last of Druanthys' bloodline. Yes. Which means she is more than a wandering alchemist as she calls herself right now, but she must discover this herself. We can merely guide her." Galadriel explained. "When she wakes let her rest until she feels ready. She may be frightened by her adventures in the mines." Felix suddenly rushed away.

He went into Leona's room where the blonde was found sitting up looking frightened and in tears. "F-Felix!" Joining her side, he sat on her bed and took her hand in his.

"I'm here. It's okay." Leona hugged the man after running her hands over his face, arms and torso as if searching for wounds. Not finding any, she let him wrap his arm around her and run his hand over her back, trying to calm her down. Her tears stopped running and after a few more sobs she calmed down enough to speak.

"What was it that scared you?" Felix asked concerned for the young woman.

"A nightmare. And yet some of it felt too real. The whole world was burning, there was so much blood and so many people dead. And I couldn't do anything. I couldn't move and was made to watch how you were tortured by the beast. They used you like a toy laughing and I couldn't help you. That's when I lost control and my gift killed every single one of them but I couldn't save you. I was too late. You were beheaded and I couldn't heal you or save you from dying. Then I was killed and I woke up." Leona replied quietly as if she was about to cry again.

"You remember, don't you?" Felix asked as the blonde described his death as a vampire in the world where they met, and then the torture he received during the war in the second world. The bits of each scenario were put together in one, and taking place in the realm they were currently in, but still. It brought hope that she was remembering and recognizing her bond with him.

"I do. Well.. some of it at least." She answered with honesty.

"Then will you let me help you remember more? And I mean the good parts?" He asked hoping she wouldn't reject his proposal.

"I would love to remember those parts, so my answer is yes." That answer with the soft look on her face, had his heart beat a little faster with joy. The two were interrupted in their quiet enjoyment of each other's presence by a knock.

"Can we come in?" Arwen asked not wanting to ruin the sweet moment between Leona and Felix.

"Yes. you can." That prompted the mother figure and Galadriel to walk in and Felix to get up.

"How are you feeling?" Arwen asked her adopted daughter.

"Better. May I ask who is Druanthys? The Watcher as well as the beast mentioned her name and compared me with her." Leona asked the Lady.

"Druanthys is the first of your bloodline. She lived at the heart of Lothlorien thousands of years ago. I will take you there when you are well enough to travel." Galadriel explained.

"Can Felix come as well?" 

"Yes, he can. No one else will as only you are allowed entrance. Felix is too because of his bond with you." The Lady of the realm answered. "Not even I can enter. I believe its the remnant of Druanthys' magic protecting her home until her kin would return." She explained. Leona felt relieved as she felt more confident facing whatever was thrown at her with Felix at her side. 

Like he was her rock. In the memories she had of him, he had been there for her through happy and sad times. Just as he had been these past few years as she practiced her abilities and regained memories of the realms she had been in before. As soon as she was ready the two followed Lady Galadriel deep into the woods, until Leona began feeling magic not unlike her own. 

"I can feel it, we're getting close. I see a protection circle requiring... a drop of blood. I think it is to determine who is allowed entrance." Both Felix and Leona offered a drop and were allowed entrance as branches parted forming an arch.

"Then from here on out, I wish you all the wisdom and answers, that learning of your ancestral history may bring. Good luck, young ones." And then the Lady of the realm left.

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