Chapter 8

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"Boys, I am afraid we won't be on time. Close your eyes and do not move. Skoll guard them." Leona spoke before using her gift to bind their captors with tree roots. Then she used the ground to close the gates off. Quickly getting on Skoll with the kids, she raced against time. Only to find the barn of Godmund's farm burned down completely, and Godmund along with others crying over something covered by a cloth.

"FATHER!!" They hugged the man who was relieved the boys were alive. But angry with my late arrival. As were the others.

"Where were you? We needed you most right now and you weren't there! This is your fault! Yanna's death is on your hands! Useless stupid witch! Leave us before you get us killed too! And don't ever come near any of us again!" The villagers agreed with Godmund and shouted insults at the blonde.

"I- I'm sorry. I will leave. You will never see me again." Leona assured the humans. She got on Skoll while being targeted with pebbles. One cut her cheek lightly. And she returned to Rivendell with tears of guilt and anger in her eyes.

Back at home she dismissed Skoll and was about to go to her room before she was stopped by Elrond and Arwen. "Well done, You got your wish. I am never allowed to be there again. As I am blamed for the unnecessary death of the boys' mother. I hope you're happy." Leona snapped.

"It's for the best. You didn't belong among these humans anyway. They would only ask more and more of you." Elrond replied.

"I would've stopped if they did. I had explained this to them." Leona argued.

"Most humans are filled with greed, Leona. Greed for power, riches, they would've found ways to go undetected. Your kindness to them would've eventually blinded you." The elven-lord warned.

"Is that what Adenir told you? He is a liar." Leona realized why he asked about the greedy ex-mayor.

"It had already been a concern of mine, as I think of you as family." Something told Leona that he wasn't completely truthful. Call it a gut-feeling.

"But I'm not. Would you have allowed Arwen or your sons to be physically harmed just so they would do as you told them to?" Elrond stayed silent.

"Thought so." Leona muttered. "I thank you for your hospitality, Lord Elrond. And of course, you as well Lady Arwen, but I believe it a wise choice to leave before things are either said or done one of us may regret." She said before going to her room.

"We are not done talking." Elrond tried to stop the blonde. Subconsciously Leona reacted with her gift and the elven-lord had a stone spike in his face barely touching him. Returning the spike into the part of the flooring it was before, she went to her room.

"Leona, are you really going to leave?" Arwen had followed the blonde.

"Yes, perhaps I will find my place in this world while I explore it." She answered. "Clearly it isn't here."

"I apologize we made you feel like this. How did you get hurt?" Arwen looked her over but aside from the cut on the younger elf's cheek, she didn't see any wounds.

"I landed on my arm with the added weight of the two boys as I had to protect them from further harm. It will heal, nothing is broken but it just hurts." Leona explained.

"Let me see." She made Leona show her the hurt arm and there was a big dark bruise. Arwen left and came back with some ointment. "This may feel a little cool.' She rubbed some ointment on the blonde's arm and on her cheek.

"Thank you, mama Arwen." The two hugged.

"Will you at least go and meet Lady Galadriel? She may be able to help you find the path that leads you where you are meant to be." The blonde frowned and then sighed.

"Fine, I will go. But on my own terms. Will you help me pack? I want to leave in the afternoon." Leona felt a quick departure to be better rather than to remain where she felt to be somewhat alone.

"I will help but I am also coming with you. I've been wanting to visit for a while." Arwen replied.

"I may not take the usual route though, I have never been in that direction and may want to explore." Leona tried to stop Arwen from coming along.

"You can't. Not right now. Straying away from the usual route now, is too dangerous." Arwen warned. "If you must explore, wait until we've arrived in Lothlorien. So someone can come with you. Promise you'll wait with exploring until then." She seemed quite serious so I just agreed. But what could be so dangerous?

The journey took about two weeks and while I did keep my promise to not really explore, I did use my gift to see if I couldn't find anything interesting in the surrounding environment. I didn't find anything until we came near something called Moria. The travelling party stayed away from it, but the earth in that area felt and reeked of death and as I reached deeper an overwhelming hunger came over me. Finding it odd I could sense such a thing, I tried to dig further but found I could not. Something was hiding just out of my reach. 

At the entrance of the forest we were stopped by a small group of guards. their leader A captain named Haldir. "Lady Arwen, welcome. Lady Galadriel said you would come. Along with a new guest." the guards all glanced at me.

"This must be young miss Leona, captain. Galadriel asked to meet her when we were told of her months ago." one spoke.

"Then let's take our guests to see her Ladyship. I'm sure they would like a rest after such a long journey." Arwen got off her horse as we had to climb now. I got off Fenris whom disappeared after an encouraging nudge. He had been getting more positive about this trip as we got closer. as if he could sense something that made it worthwhile. I wonder what it could be.
What do you think it is that has Fenris happy to be in Lothlorien?

I apologize for the very late update. I was dealing with a stressful period at work along with a massive bit of writer's block. I was unable to write even a single word on any of my writing projects for a long while. 

Let me know what you think of the new chapter and about what or maybe who could be worth it for Leona to be there.

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