Chapter 7

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Five months later

After proving her intentions, Leona was allowed to visit and help around three days a week. Most of what she helped with, Leona did by hand. But sometimes she used her gift. Talk of her assistance spread through the settlement, and slowly the other farmers asked her for help as well as the other villagers. And results came after the first month.

The travelling merchant, a man named Perkinson was able to give more money back for the things he sold for his fellow villagers allowing them to be able to look after their families better.

Much to the annoyance of the Mayor. A man named Adenir. He was a greedy man whom chose to accuse Leona of evil intentions which worked for about a week. So when that didn't work he raised taxes. Eventually that went back and forth until the villagers had enough and chose a different mayor.

The assistant of said Mayor. A fair and kind man named Harris. His family ran a shop making clothes and cloth while he worked as the Mayor's assistant as he was a charming and smart person. Adenir was put in this hut that served as a cell, until he would learn to accept his fate. The hut was in the middle of the town so Adenir could see how his village was starting to flourish under their new leader. Which he was not happy about at all.

So he escaped but since he disappeared from town, no one cared. He had a plan though. He made the long trip on foot to Rivendell where he requested an audience with Elrond. Who accepted and met the man in the front court with his sons. Arwen was helping Leona learn speaking elvish though the girl didn't seem to be able to understand. She could understand the language but always butchered the words when she tried to speak it.

"Lord Elrond, thank you for allowing me to speak with you. My name is Adenir. I was the leader of a small village just two hours by horse from here. I tried to solve the problem myself but am no longer with the power to do so. Therefore, I wish to warn you, about a concerning issue."

"What is troubling you, mr Adenir?" 

"I worry for the young blonde elven child that visits us. She has been helping my village's residents get back on their feet after we've had a terrible spring harvest, but I am afraid to say she hasn't seen their true intentions. She believes them to be genuinely just wanting to be able to look after themselves but as the time goes on, they are wanting more and more from the young lass. I fear if she ever denies them or lets them continue her work themselves, that they will keep her prison and force her to do their bidding." Adenir didn't see the worry in Elrond's eyes as he lied about his concerns. He just knew elves tended to be protective of their children.

"Do you have any proof for these plans?" Elrond asked not fully trusting the human standing before him.

"She helped them demote me, imprison me and choose a different leader. I admit I used to be a greedy man, but I just wanted to have enough money to buy myself what I need for survival in the winter. I am a klutz therefore most jobs are just not for me to earn my own money in a fairer way." The ex-mayor spoke.

"I watched the village flourish but they would whisper behind her back not caring I could hear them. Who would believe a demoted leader anyway."

"That seems indeed to be a troubling concern. Thank you for telling me of this." Elrond walked the human out. Then he finds Leona and Arwen. "Leona, do you know of a man named Adenir?"


"You're still going to that village aren't you? You promised it was just for the summer."

"I enjoy doing this and feel like I have a purpose for my abilities and gift. Why would I stop?"

"It is good to have a purpose, however if the wrong people learn about you and what you can do, you will be an easy target to capture and enslave." He warned.

"I think I can take care of myself."

"Still, helping the humans must end. I know you can look after yourself, but you shouldn't have to. And I cannot do more for you regarding your memory-loss. Therefore I am sending you to Lothlorien. Lady Galadriel has requested your presence there. She believes she has a way for you to remember more and for your gift to grow. She also wishes to meet her great-granddaughter.

"But I'm not family. Nor do I want to-." Leona stopped hearing voices yell.

"MISS LEONA!!" Leona recognized the voices. Godmund's sons. Something was wrong. She left ignoring her elders calling her back, finding the kids in the courtyard stopped by Elrohir.

"What's wrong?"

"The farm is on fire! Jaelyx kicked scared of something, and he hurt mom by accident!"

"Fenris!" Leona summoned the wolf. Helping the kids on his back she gets stopped before she can climb on. Elrohir.

"Lord Elrond has forbidden you going there." He warned.

"Lasciami andare bastardo o la prossima volta che alzerai le mani sarà l'ultima volta che avrai le mani." Leona said. Confusing her adoptive uncle, he let go. She climbed on and ordered Fenris to be as fast as he could. Two elven servants blocked the exit but Fenris simply jumped over them. Only to be hit by an arrow in his hindleg. Quickly protecting the boys, Leona wrapped herself around them as they hit the ground and tumbled down the path a few feet. "You both all right?"

"My arm hurts." Elio, the elder boy whined.

"and my head." Yarin the youngest added.

"I'm sorry." Leona healed the boys before turning to Fenris and taking the arrow out before helping him heal.

'Master, summon Skoll instead. I will be okay, just need rest.'

"I'm sorry this happened my friend. They will pay." Leona dismissed Fenris and was about to summon Skoll when she found out they were held in place by drawn swords.
I'm Back...

If I translated things correctly, this is what Leona told Elrohir: Let me go you bastard or the next time you raise those hands will be the last time you have hands.

I hope you all had a nice summer and as usual let me know what you think and have a nice week!!

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