Chapter 10

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"You understand the man?" Celeborn asked.

"I do. I don't remember much from the past 25 years but I do remember how to speak and read this language. Now answer my question please." I answered.

"The man was found by Haldir on one of his patrols around the same time we learned about your presence from Lord Elrond. He attacked them but was quickly captured. Whenever we tried to speak with him to find out where he came from, or why he was here, he would speak in this strange language. When we learned of your sudden appearance at the same time as the man, I believed the two of you are connected somehow. This was part of our reason to meet you." he explained.

"Why he called you his star, we do not know. The first three months of his stay, he had nightmares always calling out for this person he called that. Perhaps you share similarities in appearance?" Galadriel added

"Leona, I can see you are just like us yet with your magical gift and your ability to understand things we cannot, you are destined to be so much more. May we ask you to see if you can communicate with our other guest and look after him for the duration of your stay with us?" The Lady asked.

"What if I don't want to?"

"Then the man will have to forever remain here, never truly free to see the world or do as he desires." That doesn't sound too bright of a future. And admittedly I was a bit curious.

"Then can I get some rest first? Today and the journey here were tiring and I recently lost a friend which I haven't been able to come to terms with." mostly with the fact that Yanna's death was my fault... right?

"Oh of course child. We can speak more of this in the morning. Considering you are family, you may stay with Arwen in her Talan here, if you so desire." Galadriel offered. 

"That would be lovely thank you." We were allowed to leave after that and at mama Arwen's place I was ready to sleep.

"Leona, are you sure you want to do this?" She asked. "What if it turns out into something dangerous?"

"I did think about that and I want to meet him first before really making a decision. Perhaps I can ask for a guard or something to be safe, though I doubt I can't take him on." My try at assuring her that I would be okay, seemed to work.

"Good. Now tell me about the friend you lost, it was that mother you mentioned wasn't it?" Arwen changed the subject  looking concerned.

"Yes. Yanna was her name. After I gained her trust, she would make sure the other villagers wouldn't be too demanding about what they needed help with. She also taught me a few things to do by hand. and to cook. It was quite interesting." I told mama Arwen about all my experiences  with the human village until I fell asleep.

The next morning after a quick breakfast, I met with Galadriel again and I gave them my answer. "Wonderful. And Haldir has been so kind to volunteer as guard for the time being. Good luck young one. May your efforts bring forth wisdom and light." and so I was dismissed along with the captain.

He remained silent leading us to the hut on the ground where the man was kept. On the way I kept wondering what I might find out about the man. The hut was at an easy to guard clearing with a variety of things to do.

"We had been trying to find out what he enjoys doing hoping to make a connection somehow. No such luck as of yet." Haldir explained.

"From what I saw yesterday, he seemed build to be quite strong, have you tried combat or something athletic?" I asked. A shake of his head was all I got as answer. "What do you call him when you speak to him?"

"Baw est, tul ed. Cin gar a guest." (no name, come out. You have a guest.) and after a moment, the man came out. I could now see he was quite tall and big in built. I think he either used to do quite heavy work or perhaps he was a warrior. He was dressed in simple clothing and shoes, and while I had never met the man before, unless yesterday counts, there just seemed to be something about him.

"Mia Stella!" he called walking over. Well here goes nothing...

"Non so chi pensi che io sia, ma il mio nome è..." (I don't know who you think I am, but my name is...)  I tried my best remembering the language.

"Leona. Non ti ricordi di me, vero?" (Leona. you don't remember me, do you?) I shook my head no but was happy he understood what I said. His dark eyes seemed to hide some emotion, I couldn't quite read yet. He sighed before sticking his hand out, to which Haldir pulled me back a step or two.

"What are you doing?" I asked the captain.

"Keeping you safe, my lady." He replied.

"I ...would never ...hurt her." The man seemed uncertain about trying to speak the common tongue. 

"You understand the common tongue? We tried speaking it to you but you never answered." Haldir replied after the surprise wore off.

"I...tried. but it took a long time.. to remember how."

"Will you tell us your name?" I asked.

"My name is Felix, my lady." Felix... why did I feel like that name was important to me?

"Nice to meet you, Felix. as you know, I'm Leona. This permanently grumpy looking man is Haldir, captain of the guard and currently my bodyguard." I decided to just begin where one usually begins, introductions. Felix took my hand in his gently and kissed the back of it. 

"It is my pleasure to meet you Lady Leona." He replied. That was how we began talking. Felix didn't remember much from before. Apparently just his name, me, and that he liked sparring.

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