Chapter 3

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"I think so, I am a little nervous not knowing what I will find." I answered him honestly.

"It will be okay." The book had been put on some stand, which I approached and nervously touched the book with my right hand. The now familiar current ran through my hand and the energy reacted to the markings on the book, unlocking it. Opening it the first page had a sketch of the same circle on the cover, but the second page was interesting.

"Quet Titta ráca." Arwen said. (speak little wolf)

"It seems this page has a set of guidelines. Like this bracelet keeps me in control of my gift. Only when I have grown stronger can I take them off. My gift is to be used with good intentions only, never evil. And never can I be selfish when using my gift. The final rule yet apparently most important, never mess with life and death. It would cost me my own." I turned the page and the next page had a very...minimal... timeline. It mentioned things I had done but not why or for who or what had me do it. The last parts especially were kind of scary. Murder, sacrifice, violence, those were things mentioned the most.

"I... I can't believe this. This has to be a lie, right? some sick joke?" I spoke.

"Why do you believe so, sweet child?" I looked up at her.

"The life described in this book, mama, this can't be mine. Right?" I was slowly losing control over my emotions and panicking.

"Come here." She pulled me into her side trying to offer comfort. Aragorn took a look and his expression was unreadable.

"What does it say Aragorn?" Elrond asked.

"It's a timeline. A very minimal one, of the past twenty-five years. It only mentions actions Leona did not the reason behind those actions." He began talking about everything and I fled, in fear of their reactions. I fled to my room and locked the door. Afraid that if I lost control over my emotions, I might hurt these kind people. But I was also afraid that they would sent me away. Quickly grabbing the purse that I had been found with, I filled it with essentials, and climbed out the window, using my gift to create a stone ladder and then I ran for the footbridge. Once past that, the kind people I began considering family would be safe from me.

The thing was, my room was in the west wing. The bridge is on the east side. I had to get past the council porch and through the gardens. Because just leaving through the main entrance halls was no option as Elladan and Elrohir were in the front courtyard. I had to be extremely cautious while moving around. Luckily it was summer and all the plants were full in bloom so it was a bit easier to hide. However, hearing Aragorn yell for me, surprised me and I bumped my arm into a bush just as a guard walked past. So I summoned Fenris and he distracted the guard while I just plain ran. Once I was past the bridge and hidden behind a thick tree, I had to take a moment to catch my breath.

Fenris appeared and let me get on his back before he walked deeper into the woods. Once we were at a safe distance from Rivendell, I got off Fenris' back and looked around foraging some nuts and berries for a snack while Fenris hunted for his own meal. It gave me time to think. Papa Aragorn may try to find me so perhaps I need to go up into the trees. Fenris returned and we walked again until it got dark. Fenris led me to a riverbank where I was able to get a small fire going for some warmth and catch a fish for food. After my meal and having had some time to just think about everything Fenris let me curl up into his side using my cloak as a blanket and sleep.

When I woke up, I wasn't alone. "Good morning princess." Aragorn had found me. "Want to talk about why you ran away?" He asked while he was tending to the small fire sitting next to me. Fenris was gone.

"Are you or mama mad with me?" I asked instead.

"No. Just worried that you may run into danger. Look, you can stay out for a bit longer, just please don't go any further away. There have been reports of bad people in these woods and while we want to give you time to work through everything, your safety is just as important to us. It would be even better if you came back with me, but I can understand if you need to be on your own." Now I feel really bad about running.

"Why would you care about a monster like me? I could hurt you or mama so easily." He didn't look at me with disgust, or anger. Just sympathy and concern.

"Ah that's what had you run. You aren't a monster, Leona. You were made to fight other's battles and had been forced to do things no one should have to do. That timeline was a mere summary. I may have read a little more. I apologize for doing so without permission. There is more to your past than you think, but you aren't a monster." He assured me.

"A-Are you sure?" He just nodded and I hugged him.

'Master, trouble.' Fenris called all of a sudden.


'From other riverside.'

'What trouble?'

'Four human hunters killing  pups for fur.' Poachers.

'Lead me to them.'

"Papa, before we go back I need to do something." I spoke and just wandered off to where Fenris led me. The pups he mentioned were trapped fox pups and whom I believed to be the mother. The pups were calling out for help from their mother and struggling to try and break away. The humans were skinning another dault-sized fox. Perhaps the father? and just threw away the body like it was trash. How disrespectful. The body landed at my feet. Which was just when the humans noticed me.
And so the bad people and Leona meet.

Let me know what you think of the story so far, or what might happen next and have a nice week!!

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