Chapter 16

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The woman moved closer as if curious. "Look at you, you're so beautiful, all grown up."

"Madam, I think you are confused. who do you believe I am?" I asked politely.

"My child of course, I knew you would be back one day, oh Amaurea I still can't believe you are here before me."

"I apologize but it isn't true. My name is... "

"Leona, I know, but you are my child. I know all that happened. Hephaistos tended to visit me, telling me all about your bloodline, about each of the chosen alchemists. Each of them and you have one thing in common. Your soul. My daughter was reborn each time an alchemist was chosen until you. They received the blessing of my daughter's gift and were tested. That was something Gaia had caused to happen to prevent my child from coming home, until you were chosen. Here, let me show you." She offered for me to take her hands. Out of curiosity, I did as asked and she drew closer until our foreheads touched.

Through what I would've described as a mental movie of sorts, Druanthys showed me, Hephaistos telling her that he found the child, but Gaia had put a spell on her soul to keep the child from being able to go home. Each time an alchemist was chosen with Didyme being the first, they were challenged to not break the laws of alchemy, if they passed the challenge, the spell would be broken.

Unfortunately, Didyme was too kind to use her gift even as defence so when the Volturi were attacked by an enemy clan, she died. Thylena actually broke a few laws, by messing with life and death therefore she was killed as punishment for failing the challenge.

When I didn't take revenge for Felix' death, and didn't get to raise him back from the dead, Gaia was quick to take me with her making me believe I was her servant. Hephaistos had turned up not long after. Realizing he was too late he returned in shame and guilt, telling Druanthys who's spirit had been bound to the yew tree due to her magic lingering.

Now let me see your memories." and I did. I showed her all I knew and remembered yet other memories were shown as well. Mine were first, then Thylena's and after her, Didyme's and finally, Amaurea. Didyme and Aro's mother and Druanthys' child. They weren't mine, and yet every bit of it, felt so real as if they were.

All the happiness, sadness, pain and anger each of my ancestors felt, felt as if they were my feelings as I witnessed everything they went through.

Druanthys was telling me the truth. She was my real mom, not Renee, not any other woman that happened to give birth to my physical forms, she was. That was why I felt so at home here in the meadow, as soon as I stepped through the archway. Why it was so much easier to use and control my gift here.

Returning to reality as she pulled away, a few tears ran down. "I'm sorry. I overwhelmed you, didn't I?" she moved to wipe my tears gently. Holding the hand that was on my cheek in place, I managed to speak just above a whisper.

"Hi mom, I'm home." She gasped before pulling me into her arms.

"Leona, are you okay?" Felix called out. Druanthys let go of me turning to face him.

"Who is that handsome young man?" she asked.

"Felix. He's my soulmate. My sweet warrior. Can he come here to meet you?

"I'm afraid we don't have time. Now that you are here and have accepted my magic as yours, I won't be able to keep this form much longer. It doesn't mean we won't speak again. All you need to do is to meditate right here in front of my shrine. I am sorry we don't get to properly bond, my child. But I will always watch over you." the leaves fell as Druanthys' spirit left this world and they blew away.

As if a zombie because of the shock, I left the shrine and nearly tripped if it hadn't been for Felix catching me. "What happened? Who was that? Did she hurt you?"

Shaking my head, I broke down. Finally I felt  I was home, learned the truth of why everything happened as it did and met my real mother, only for her to slip away before I could get to know her.

He picked me up and took me inside the house, where he sat down on the couch still holding me. He tried to comfort me to calm me down, so I could talk and once I was calmer I told him everything. He didn't interrupt once, and was solely focused on me.

Once finished he held me close. "I'm sorry you didn't get to speak with her some more. Even though you know the truth of your gift and why you were chosen, no one deserves to learn it in such a way.

I may not fully understand the loss you feel but I will try my best to be there for you however you need me to, okay? The look in his eyes was the same serious but gentle one as when he promised to be on my side during the Renesmee disaster or when he had promised to help me learn control over my vampire form as well as my gift.

"Thank you, my sweet warrior. For always being there for me. I love you." I kissed his cheek and hugged him. He returned the gesture. It wasn't a romantic confession to begin completing our bond once again just yet but we were so close. Now was just not the time.

"I love you too." We sat like that, letting the events of the morning and everything we learned just settle in our minds, until our stomachs growled. Felix got up and made us some lunch after which we did some work on the herb garden, and then I meditated at the shrine.

Or at least attempted to, but my head was too full still, of meeting my real mom which felt strange to think of but it also felt right.

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