Chapter 11

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Hearing that, Haldir warmed up to Felix as well. The two sparred at least once a week. I would join occasionally but most of the time I was drawing, reading my book or practicing my gift. 

The days Haldir was patrolling the borders, Felix and I would explore the realm eventually finding this clearing no one seemed to go to. At night one could see stars perfectly and during the day it was like a flower bomb exploded over it. The first time we found that place, the area seemed to change so we could lay down in the grass without trampling flowers so we could watch both the stars and the clouds while bees and other animals could just do their thing.

And so a beautiful friendship began between the three of us, which grew over the four years I was there. 

Lady Galadriel helped me learn to nurture my gift and eventually I lost the first ring of my bracelet. It just fell off in the middle of practice just before I fell off the platform where I had met her the first time, after a hard transmutation failed and blasted me backwards. Branches formed some sort of safety net and pushed me back up. "Are you okay?" The lady asked.

"Yes. I'm fine. The trees helped me." I replied

"You made them do so, didn't you? Of course they helped." She said.

"That's the thing, I didn't do anything. On another note, did I lose a bracelet? I only have two but there should be three." I asked looking around for it.

"May I see?" She grabbed my arm and inspected the bracelet. "This is an enchanted bracelet that will let you stay in control of your gift, I believe. Perhaps it fell off because you grew strong enough to control it better." She explained.

"Right, Gandalf mentioned something like that. I remember now." I replied before Fenris spoke to me in my mind. He was hunting outside the realm with his sons.

'master, trouble at the border. They took my sons.'

"I need to go." I ran off not bothering with a goodbye. Running and jumping the trees seemed to help me go straight to where Fenris was. I was met with Felix, Haldir and his patrolling squad, and a restless giant wolf. "Fenris I'm here, what happened."

'Traps.' He let me get on his back. 

"You can't go alone." Felix protested.

"I can, actually. but if you must, fine. Hurry up. Just the two of you though. Less people to look after in case things go wrong." Felix got on Fenris with me while Haldir got on his horse. As soon as Felix sat, Fenris began running, with a howl announcing he was hunting.

During the ride, he showed me what happened and I explained. "These creatures trapped both Skoll and Hati when the wolves separated for their hunt. The creatures look human-sized but a little smaller and more... I don't know evil?"

"Orcs. We've been seeing them around occasionally, nasty creatures. They probably plan on eating the wolves or use them for scouting missions" Haldir explained. "They are quite violent too."  

'We're near.' There was a camp. four maybe five tents in a u-shape around the center where a fire was going. The camp had walls for defense but they didn't seem set up too well. Perhaps the camp was temporary.

"What's the plan?" Haldir asked.

"Easy, they die and I get the wolves back."I shrugged.

'I agree.' Fenris  growled. We rushed the camp for a surprise attack, which worked a bit too well. I used my gift to capture the beings whom were brought before me while Felix and Haldir searched the camp.

"They're not here. The camp is empty aside from those." They told me. Out of frustration I accidentally spiked a couple, killing them. The tallest Orc chuckled and muttered words I didn't understand. Aside from one. Moria.

"Why did you take my wolves?" I questioned the being, noting that Haldir had paled. 

"They are a peace offering, so the creature resting in the deepest darkest pits of Moria will leave us alone. Your wolves, little witch, are dead meat! Hahaha-." *snap!* His head fell off after Fenris bit his neck.

"Let's go!" Fenris let me get back on his back but my two companions were hesitant. "It isn't wise to go there. The mines of Moria are filled with enemies. Rumor has it that a creature so foul and evil has been resting there, even the bravest of warriors would tremble in fear. Upon sensing merely its presence" Haldir explained.

"Then stay back." I nudged Fenris to start running. Moria was a long way, perhaps we might catch up. I heard a horse running after us making me smile. I was happy they were coming along. Fenris ran as fast as he could, after I believe about an hour, we saw a group  of orcs carrying two  giant lumps, quite far ahead. We were getting close to the mountain in which the mines were located.

"Almost there, can you communicate with them through your link?" I asked the big black wolf.

'Skoll yes, Hati is hurt too much.' Oh poor thing. While certainly not weak, Hati is the youngest and a playful sweetheart. That is if you do nothing wrongful towards his pack. Skoll is the older protective brother.

"Tell them we're coming. That we'll get them back with us. and tell them to prepare for whatever is in there. I can see we won't catch up before the mines are reached." I told him, watching the  group ahead disappear in the mountains. We failed to get inside before the entrance closed and locked. Looking around I didn't find a way to open it from the outside. 

Dismissing Fenris I tried to create a doorway myself, but just as I was about to do it, the ground underneath my feet disappeared and I fell. There was nothing for me to try and grab onto, not that I could see anything anyway. The fall seemed endless and I expected to die when meeting the bottom, but instead, I was met with...water? 

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