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Your P.O.V
"Steal knight army?" Jaden asked.

"Duel warriors led by Surfree. They fought to protect our village but their fight was in vain. The fiends defeated the steal knights then they captured them and took them away." Kyles sister explained.

"Including my...my father." Kyle said with tears in his eyes.

"As for the women and children and the others left behind, the fiends turned them into particles of light. They call it 'sending us to the stars'. The few among us pause not to learn what it meant. We escaped and hid in these caverns." She said.

"And we're not giving up. We've got Surfree. He means to do battle with the fiends, he'll rescue the warriors, including father." Kyle said. I looked at Surfree. I didn't trust him at all. But what these people went through... All because of...me.

"Guess you got your work cut out for you." Jaden said. I looked down and went to a wall. Kyle walked up to me and was confused.

"This is all my fault...Why would I be so stupid. This place is full of problems because of me." I say and sat down, with my kness to my chest. Kyle sat next to me and rubbed my back in comfort. I then felt a familiar hand on my shoulder. I looked up to see Jim. He knelt down beside me. I started to tear up.

"This is all my fault, Jim...I couldn't protect these people. I'm so sorry Kyle..." I said as I cried.

"Y/n...this isn't your fault." Jim said. He wrapped his arms around me. Kyle did the same. His sister walked up to me with hesitation. She knelt down with something in her hands.

"This was dropped by one of the fiends. They said it was your weapon, the scythe. I think you should have it back." She said. I grabbed it. It was a stick that was a light type of melt. It was a dark grey colour.

"Why are you trusting me. I couldn't save your father or your village. Why now? Why me?" I asked. She smiled softly.

"You were slaughtered by your own people. They were wrong about you. But, let us be your people. We place our hope in you." She said. My eyes went wide. "To activate it, you have to swing it. It will be big when you first see it but it will help."

She the walked away. Kyle stood up and walked to get something to eat. Jim started rubbing my back. I leaned into his touch and relaxed. I whipped the tears from my eyes and wrapped my tail around Jim and Shirley.

"You alright, Sherlia?" Jim asked. I nod.

"Yeah, just...confused about everything that is happening." I replied. I placed my head on his shoulder. Jim properly sat down and kept me in his arms. I sighed in frustration. Then a women walked in asking for Surfree. Then other women brought in someone. A man. He looked like he went through a lot. Everyone gathered around the unknown man.

"Father?!" Kyle yelled out, running over withhis sister. I stood up and walked over.

"Surfree, I'm sorry I failed you. Please accept my humble apologies." Kyles father said in pain. "But the Empress needs to hear this. Everyone is being held in a camp beneath the cliff north lwest of the village. You must save them and destroy the fiends."

My eyes widened. Why me? Why do I have to save them? Questions were running through my head. Jaden asked where Jesse was but didn't get much out of the fallen soldier because he was already sent to the stars. I looked down and sighed. I slowly walked out of the room and sat down. I need to process what I just heard. I then saw Jaden walk out.

"Jaden?" He turned to face me. I k ew what he was up too.

"Y/n. I can't just stand around and do nothing while Jesse's at that camp. I need to go after him." Jaden explained. I took out my Duel Academy communicator and started to track Jaden.

"If you need anything or need any help. Contact me. I'll be able to find you then. You make sure Jesse comes home." I said and he hugged me.

"Thank you Y/n." He said with a smile and started to run.

"Be careful out there. Other wise...we won't make it out of here alive." I said and sensed something. I turned around to see...myself but a darker version.

"You need to get to your castle. You will find all the information there. You must hurry. You must leave now." It said. Red eyes looking into e/c.

"But I can't do that you know that. I can't leave these people behind. Not know. As much as I want to leave now. I can't." I said. The shadow came closer.

"Very well. I will guide you there on you travels. But don't let your emotions get the better of you. Otherwise, you will not succeed and be sent to the stars." It said and the vanished.

"Y/n?" I turned around to see Kyle. He looked a little frightened. He must of saw the shadow. He slowly walked forward.

"Kyle, do you need something?" I asked.

"Are you going to go after our people? Surfree said that its too dangerous and stay here. Your friends think the same." He said. I sighed. I knelt down infront of him.

"I'm not sure yet. But I will get your pepple back. Don't worry." I replied to his question. His eyes sparked with hope. I stood up and grabbed his hand. We walked back in. I saw the others run out. I was confused. I walked down and saw Axel and Jim, plus Surfree.

"I asume they went after Jaden?" I asked. Jim nod. Axel sighed.

"Oi Axel, we want to help Jaden as much as the next bloke but the dark army? Secret prisons, some Rogaer named Earth and an empress?" Jim said. I gave him a side eye. He thought for a moment. He then gave me a side eye. "On second thought, it sounds like fun."

"Well then. Guess it's settled. Free?" Axel said.

"Save your breath. We all must do that which is right." Surfree said. We followed him out of the room. "You might not trust me but we will follow our empress." He said. We walked into the room where the villagers were.

"My people. The time has arrived. We must leave." Surfree said.

"Wait a second. You're not helping? We need you." Axel said.

"What's this all about?" Jim asked.

"You coward..." I hissed.

"Jaden has gone to awaken the dark army. We're no longer safe here. We must leave now." Surfree said.

"Excuse me. Jaden went to save my cousin, not to awaken the dark army. And leave the only place you have? Where your people are safe? You're risking their lives to protect your own." I said. Surfree glanced at me.

"We must go. We won't be safe here." He said.

"Do you at least have another place to go to?" I asked. Surfree didn't answer.

"There isn't anyother place to go to." Kyles sister said. I thought for a moment.

"I wonder....where is my castle?" I asked. They gasped.

"I know it's strange but I have a place for you all to go. It will be safe hopefully secure and has lots of shelter." I said.

"It's a long way away, but we can get there in time." An elderly man said. I nod.

"Pack up. We're going to my castle." I said.

"Are you sure it will be a good idea to send these people there?" Surfree asked.

I said, "It's our only option."

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