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Your P.O.V
Everyone was leaving. I stood next to Jim amd Axel. Surfree lead everyone out of the caves.

"For now you will." Axel said.

"For now, we aim to go and help Jaden." I said.

"We should head out." Jim said.

"Thanks for nothing Freed." Axel said. We then ran up the mountain. We went northwest from the village. We stopped at a cliff seeing the camp and Jaden dueling, plus our friends surrounded by fiends.

"Jaden!" Axel said.

"He isn't doing too good." I said.

"And our mates have gotten themselves captured." Jim said.

"We got to get down there." I said. But I was stopped by Axel. I then saw Surfreed.

"He's here." Axel said. Surfreed then disappeared into dust and then we was played as a duel monster. The duel ended with Jaden being the winner. I cheered. We the ran down and went to see everyone alright.

"Everyone alright?" Jim asked.

"Looks like it but Jaden sure made this close for all of us." Axel said. I walked up to Jaden and placed a hand on his shoulder, giving him a reassuring smile. He was frustrated and waljed to see if anyone was here. I went to look as well. I sighed and couldn't find Jesse or anyone else. I walked out of the camp and found the others. I noticed Jaden hasn't come back yet. I then heard Jaden yell my name. I turned around to see him with...chickens?

"Jaden? What are they?" I asked.

"Kuriboh found us a map of this place in a way to get around." Jaden said and gave me the map. I hopped onto on of the chickens or ducks. I gave Jim a hand and we walked up to the others.

"Well. Don't just stand around. We're in enemy territory." Axel said.

"Following the guy and lady with a map beats being lost." Jim said.

"Well. Off we go." I said. The duck started to run. I smiled having the wind rush into my face was the best feeling ever. Jim held onto my waist tightly.

"Relax Jim! I've got this!" I laughed. He didn't relax. I guess he hasn't done this before. I patted his head and followed Jaden.

"Looks like the first stop on the fortress tour is straight ahead." Jaden said. We stopped the ducks.

"Uh Jaden? We haven't seen the others yet." I said.

"Y/n's right. We haven't seen them for quite sometime. They might have taken a wrong turn somewhere." Jim added. Jaden thought for a moment.

"Y/n. Do you mind going back out there and look for them?" Jaden asked. I nod.

"Just us? What if they're in a pickle of some kind?" Jim asked.

"What are you going to do in the mean time? Raid that fortress by yourself?" Axel asked. "We need to stick together Jaden. Listen we'll go back and look for the others but don't go marching in there alone. You wait for us."

I knew Jaden won't listen but I have faith in him to go and find my cousin.

"Alright." Jaden said.

"Promise?" Jim asked.

"I promise." Jaden replied.

"We'll be back. Don't you worry about a thing alright. Maybe think of a plan to get Jesse back." I said and we went off to find the others. We ran around and couldn't find anyone. I then stoped the duck and hopped off it. I looked around and noticed something. A duel monster card. Cyber Blader.

"This is Alexis' card! Oh no...Jaden!" I ran up to the duck again. Jim helped me up.

"What did you find?" Axel asked. I gave him Alexis' card. He gasped.

"I hope Jaden didn't go in that fortress..." I mumbled and got the duck to run.

"Y/n!? What's the plan?!" Axel asked.

"Get back, get Jaden and think of a plan. I just hope he didn't get himself into a duel. The others must be there." I replied. Jim held onto my waist and rested his head on my back. I glanced at him and smiled softly. We then heard screams of a familiar person, Syrus. We found Syrus being chased. We got to him and hid.

"My spell card copy doll never fails me." Axel said.

"Your screams lead us right to you." Jim said.

"I hoped you'd hear that was my plan." Syrus replied.

"Sure it was Syrus." I said with a smile.

"Come on then. We all have to go and meet up with Jaden." Jim said. Syrus stayed silent. "Boy. What's in your bonnet Sy?"

"It's Jaden, Jim. It's like he's become obsessed. I'm afraid of what he might do. All he wants is Jesse back and I think he'll stop at nothing to find him." Syrus exclaimed. I looked to the horizon and thought of Jesse. Jim stood next to me.

"There has to be more to this." I mumbled. I then saw something in the distance, a dark castle standing tall. I sighed and walked over to the ducks and got on one.

"Let's go and find Jaden." I said. Axel, Jim and Syrus followed and got on the ducks. Jim sat behind me while Syrus sat behind Axel. We ran to the fortress where Jaden was supposed to be. I jumped off and ran in. I saw Jaden dueling, he was hesitant. The others followed me in.

"Jaden!" I yelled out.

"Hold it right there, Sy." Jim said.

"If we get noticed, we'll be end up like them." I said while pointing to the rest of our friends. Jadens monster attacked even though Jaden didn't want them too. Then our friends disappeared.

"No!" Jim held me back. "Jim. Let me go! Please!" I begged. I had tears in my eyes.

"Come on Jaden! Get out of there!" I yelled out. I didn't want to see my friends vanish. I felt hopeless. I then felt a presence, one that was familiar but strange. It wasn't the shadow, it came from Jaden. My head started to ache but not like I was going to pass out.

"You must awaken. It is now or never." The shadow said.

"Think again!" Jaden and I yelled out. The monsters stared at Jaden and I.

"Our friends...maybe gone but we...plan on staying right here." We said. I got out of Jim's grip. I walked up to Jaden.

"We use to duel for fun but now we're dueling to avenge what you did to our friends...It's pay back time!" We said and a dark shadow surrounded us. Jadens eyes turned gold while mine turned red.

"I activate the spell card O oversoul. Which lets me summon Neos from my graveyard." Neos was now on the field. "And next I'll equip him with assault armor which gives my Neos a 300 point boost." Neos now had 2800 ATK.

"Now Neos lets take his rainbow out for good. Now finish him off!" Jaden yelled out. "Attack with vosmic crush! Strike him down!" We yelled out.

"You're ready for some more Neos?! Because when I remove assault armor he gets to inflict a second dose of damage." Jaden explains. Neos attacked again but the fiend tried to stop it but Jaden played a counter spell, which Neos continued his attack. The fiend vanished to the stars. I walked to the middle and started to glow. Shadows surround me and I changed.

The Dark me awokened....

My outfit was a pitch black dress and cloves. My hair was out but it darkened. My eyes were still red. The other fiends gasped in fear. Axel, Syrus and Jim ran off. I roared. Jaden stayed where he was. I walked up to him. He was on his knees.

"Why is this happening to me? I was just trying to make things right and I..." Jaden trailed off. He then looked at me. I held out the card. Sending Jaden into a dark place. Jaden changed and the Supreme King awoke.

"Welcome back my dear friend....Haou."

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