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Your P.O.V
"So your Yubel is safe." Jaden said. "Until I play this trap card. I activate Neo signal and since you destroyed my monster, I can get to call out a new neo spacian and I'm digging up neo spacian grand mole." Jaden said. The mole appeared and it had 900 ATK. "Y/n then plays one card face down"

I put down The forceful checkpoint down

"Another one of your friends?" Yubel growled. Grand mole attacked and was sent back to the hand and so was Yubel's card.

"There will be plenty of damage once I play the trap card, hate buster. And with this, your mole says goodbye because now both our monsters are instantly destroyed." Yubel said. I sucked in a breathe.

"But here's the catch, you take damage equal to all those attack points your grand mole had." Yubel explained. Our life points went down to 900. We growled.

"At least her Yubel card is gone." I said. Jaden nodded.

"Think again. I've evolved." Yubel said.

"Into what?!" We asked. The smoke cleared showing a dragon that looked like Yubel.

"Some new monster." Jaden said.

"My new body." Yubel said. Her new monster had 0 ATK. She teleported onto it and placed her hand on it.

"So how do you like my new look? I bet you both are wondering how it happened well let me explain. Since Yubel was destroyed by hate busters effect, she was able to evolve into the beast you see now and with her, the stage is set for me to exact my final revenge. Now say hello to Terro incarnate. It's time to wreck your fate." Yubel explained.

"What fate?!" I asked.

"You banished me soon as your turns to be banished." Yubel said. "Don't you see? It has to end this way. It was I who transported you to these far dimensions and it was I who tried to reach out to you through Marcel but your friend and cousin Jesse interfered. So I took him and made him my minion knowing you both would come looking for him and knowing your friends would never let you come alone, I was able to use them as payback for all the pain you caused me." Yubel said. Our eyes widened. I know Yubel was talking to Jaden personally but she had to add me as well. "That's right,I brought them all here hoping if I made them suffer by the hands of you two, their closes friends you might see the error of your ways and we could finally be reunited but instead you hoped of sending me away again but this time, I'm not going anywhere but you are Jaden! You both are about to vanish for all eternity!" Yubel had a wicked smirk on her face. She was laughing

"Yubel. That's not going to happen! Not with Twinkle moss on our side because with his special ability, I can draw one card." Jaden said while drawing a card. "And it looks like I drew elemental hero prisma but because it is a monster card my twinkle mosses effect won't let me attack."

"Serving...what good is it?" Yubel asked.

"You'll see soon enough." Jaden said. "Your move Y/n."

"Right. I draw. I play Malive, Lady of Lament special ability. By discarding to monsters from my hand, I can bring back a spell or trap from my graveyard. Then I play Evil mind that I just got from my graveyard to draw a spell card from my deck. Then I play the spell dark fusion. Fusing Elemental hero Burstinatrix and elemental hero avian to bring out Evil hero Inferno wing." I said. "It's your move Yubel."

"Now Aqua dolphin lets deal some damage. And just like before your life points take the hit." Yubel said. We screamed out in pain. Our life points went down to 1300.

"Next I summon back samsara lotis and then when it is the end of my turn lotis destroys every monster on my field other then Yubel Terror incatnate. And for each monster I lose you also lose one of your monsters. And I think I'll get rid of that pesky hummingbird of yours." Yubel laughed out. Humming bird then vanished. "I rather enjoyed that. I can't wait to take out the rest. All those whp replaced me will suffer and fall to my power."

"Not in my watch. You're through cuz me and my pals are gonna end this." Jaden said, looking at me with a smile.

"Try all you want." Yubel said.

"And I will." Said Jaden, drawing a card. He eyes widened being anxious but continued. "I sacrifice my dolphin to summon Elemental hero prisma in defense mode."

Jaden's Elemental Hero Prisma had 1100 ATK points.

"And then I draw a card and by drawing a spell card fake hero, Twinkle moss attacks." Jaden said. His Twinkle moss attacked Yubel directly sending her life points to 2900.

"Your twinkle moss is just as pesky as your hummingbird was and you know what happed to him." Yubel said.

"I'm finished. Your turn." He said. I nod.

"I draw! I then play Dark summoning beast!" I said. My new monster had 0 ATK and DEF.

"What are you going to do with that?" Yubel asked.

"To summon three new monsters. I activate Dark summoning beasts special ability. By tributing it I can summon three monsters from my hand or deck, but first I'm going to attack your monster. Malice, edge attack!" I said but she played a trap called Drowning mirror force sending the two attacking monaters to my deck. I shuffled my deck again. "Thanks for the help Yubel because now I play the three sacred beasts! Hamon, Uria and Raviel!"

"What?!" Yubel exclaimed. I grinned.

"I end my turn." I said. Jaden gave me a smile and a thumbs up. Yubel growled.

"No bug deal. I'm going to defeat you both. You will pay for all the choices you made and all your betrayals. Your end is not with the stars, your fate lies elsewhere. I'm banishing you both someplace worse. Somewhere you both will be alone." Yubel said. We growled. Prisma attacked and we took battle damge. Our life points went down to 200. I wondered why she didn't get the sacred beasts to attack. Uria leaded in and purred.

"She can't because there is a barrier that you created years ago so we aren't effected by her effects." He said. I nod in understating.

"And now I destroy so sorry lotis to take out you Twinkle moss and Evil Hero Inferno Wing!" Yubel said. Twinkle moss and my inferno wing were destroyed.

"No. Inferno wing, Twinkle moss." I mumbled.

"You're going to payfor that Yubel." Jaden said angrily.

"Try if you can." She said. Jaden drew a card and looked at me. He turned the card that he had in his hand towards me. I nod with a smile.

"I'm playing the spell fake hero and now I can summon an Elemental hero from my hand straight to the field." Jaden said. He summoned Neos. "Lucky for you this guy can't attack you right now and when it's the end of my turn, I have to send him back where I got him from."

"You know what? It seems that tje only thing that move accomplished was powering uo my spell Chronicle." Yubel said.

"You forget that my turn isn't over and with prisma on the field, I'll send a card to my graveyard to change him into a fusion monster. Now Prisma with the power that you possess I transform you into Jesse's most powerful beast, Rainbow Dragon!" Jaden said. I was amazed at the great beast.

"This might help, I play Allure of darkness, I can draw 2 new cards. But the thing is, if I don't discard a dark monster, I have to send my entire hand to the grave. But then I play my face down, monster reborn. I can bring back a monster from my graveyard onto the field and I choose my Rainvow dark dragon!" I said. Both dragons roared when they made their appearance.

"That's not going to stop me." Yubel said.

"That maybe but now I play polymerization and I fuse rainbow dragon and neos that I can call upon the mighty Rainbow Neos!" Jaden said.

"This fusion in our friendship is gonna conquer you once and for all." We both said at the same time.

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