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He must've fallen a sleep for a bit because when he came to, Michael was gently shaking him.

Luke rubbed his eyes and took in Michael.

He was all bundled up, looking practically ready to flee in a moments notice.

"Where are you going?" Luke quizzed.

"Cal called. Ash's car broke down and they're stranded", Michael explained, "I gotta go rescue Ash before Calum kills him."

Michael pulled the blanket further up on Luke and kissed his forehead.

"Go back to sleep." Michael muttered.

"Just give me a sec- I'll come with you." Luke started as he pushed himself up.

Michael gently pushed him back down, "It's not a quick drive and I don't want to torture you."

"But-" Luke started.

"You need to rest up for our drive back to campus", Michael jeered, before frowning, "It feels cruel to drive you anywhere unnecessary."

Luke frowned as he curled into his ball again.

"I'm sorry, baby, I know it's not ideal", Michael muttered, but Luke averted his gaze, "Please don't be mad at me, sweetheart."

"I'm not mad. I just- I don't want to be alone", Luke mumbled softly, "I don't feel very good."

Mentally he meant.

It felt like something weighing down on him.

It had been somewhat manageable all day, but seemed to get worse as the day grew later.

Michael bit his lip nervously.

"Okay, okay. I want you to rest", Michael started as he sat on the bed next to Luke, "Hopefully I'll be back when you wake up, but if it gets really bad- please, please call me. I'll rush back to you, okay?"

Michael pushed Luke's hair back from his face.

The older boy stood up from the bed and when he returned he was holding Mr. Penguin.

"Mr. Penguin is going to hold my place for me", Michael assured, placing the penguin in Luke's arms, "Just squeeze him if it gets bad. Squeeze him and repeat your phrases like we practiced."

"Okay." Luke muttered.

Michael tucked him back in and pressed a kiss to his lips before he hurried off.

The older boy hated leaving Luke in such a fragile state- he was always there to make sure Luke was okay.

He just had to hope he'd be back in time before anything happens.

Luke did as Michael asked him to. He let his eyes close and- to his surprise- he slipped back to sleep.

He must have been so drained to have fallen asleep on command like that- especially when he was having a hard time.

Although, to his dismay, Michael had not returned when he awoke.

He felt a bit better after his nap, so he decided to get back to going through things.

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