Dawn of the First Day

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Why we failed one-hundred years ago

Part 3

Dawn of the first day

The early morning rays bathed the castle courtyard in a warm glow, casting long shadows from the towering walls and pillars. The air was fragrant with the scent of blooming Hylalillies and Snapdragons from the gardens and the glistening dewdrops of lilies floating in the moats, all intermingling with the irresistible aroma of freshly baked pastries wafting from the town's bakeries. The gentle breeze danced through the courtyard, carrying these delightful scents with it. Zelda couldn't help but smile as she leaned out into the open air of her castle window, feeling the sun's warmth and fresh breeze on her face while the nervous excitement bubbled within her. She knew that today was no ordinary day; it was the beginning of a grand celebration and a rite of passage for both her and the incoming Royal Guardsmen pledges.

As she listened to the ringing of bells heralding the arrival of pilgrims to the city, Zelda felt a mix of joy and nervousness. In just two days, she would celebrate her sixteenth birthday, taking on the mantle of the heir to the sealing power and blessing the new fledglings of the Royal Guard. More specifically, the victor of the final test would be given the highest honor and granted the privilege of serving in her personal guard. It was a day that would change her life forever. On one hand, she dreaded the moment, fearing failure and wishing she could remain a child; never having to worry about the impending Calamity and her key role in stopping it.

And on the other, the young lady within her longed to spread her golden wings like the sigil of her house and take flight, embracing her destiny as the leader she was born to be. She yearned to see the world and prove to everyone that she was more than just a paper princess, and that she truly had what it took to fulfill her duty and save her people like her forebears had done so long ago. However, with all the excitement of the coming jubilee, a swirl of trepidation resounded within her. She couldn't shake the worry that she might not live up to everyone's expectations, that she might be a lesser daughter of greater sires from the stories.

When she was a child, everything had seemed so far away, like a dream. The idea of war had always been abstract, like a distant story only mentioned in legend or happening in some faraway land. Not something that happened in real life, especially not in her world. With Hyrule enjoying many years of peace, the impending doom was hard to imagine. So, while growing up she had tucked away the idea in the back of her mind, but no matter how much she tried to avoid it, the thought of the Calamity always resurfaced, reminding her that time was running out and that one day she will be a child no longer and must face it alone.

As Zelda's thoughts threatened to overwhelm her the joyful chimes of bells rang above the castle grounds setting her at ease. This time they were much closer. The courtyard was abuzz with activity, and even the usually stoic guards wore smiles as they carried out their duties. They took extra care and time to greet her from afar as she walked among them while they loaded crates and moved wagons carrying supplies for the upcoming tourney. From every castle worker to the garden-tending maids, everyone was eagerly preparing for the festivities that would surely bring smiles to all. It was a much-needed reprieve from the ill tidings that had been foretold recently.

Zelda couldn't help but feel grateful for the beautiful day, the company of her friends, and the upcoming celebration before the main inauguration. She cherished the joy and revelry of her people. What filled her with dread, however, was the role she would play in the coming night's sacred ceremonies. All eyes would be upon her, scrutinizing her every step and every syllable of prayer and dictation.

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