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"MORNING!" I GREETED MY boyfriend's grandmother as I walked into her hospital ward

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"MORNING!" I GREETED MY boyfriend's grandmother as I walked into her hospital ward.

"Ah, (Y/n) and (bf/n). How are you?" She asked as she smiled at the both of us.

"We're good, just thought we should come and visit you." (bf/n) said with a smile as we both sat down beside her while (bf/n) placed his hand on my knee.

Talking to his grandmother made me realise how much he loved and appreciated her. She was a sweet old lady who was recently diagnosed with breast cancer so we regularly come in and visit

"Hey babe..." I said to my boyfriend as he hummed in response.

"I have to go and grab a drink of water, I'll be back in a bit." I said to my boyfriend as I got up out of my chair while he kissed me on the lips before I went to go get some water in the cafeteria.

Walking down the long corridor, I overheard a conversation that was taking place.

"Who's that?" Mikey asked as I hid in the corner of corridor to listen to the conversation.

"Pah's buddy's girlfriend." Draken responded.

Oh my goodness, the two people I DIDN'T want to meet are here. After our conversation last night, I felt guilty for telling Mikey about (bf/n).

"She's been unconscious for five days." Draken said as they both stared in the glass at the patient.

"What the hell are you doing here?! How dare you show up here?! Leave, now!!"

As the older man spoke, Draken quickly put his hands behind him and bowed as a mark of respect.

"What do you think you're doing here?! Our daughter almost died because of trash like you!"

"Don't bow to him, Ken. We didn't do anything wrong." Mikey said as he looked over at Draken who was still bowing to the man. "Why's this old guy trying to take it out on us, anyway?"

"You vermin! You're nothing but trash! Causing a ruckus every single night!"

"Please stop, dear." His wife said trying to calm his down.

"What?" Mikey asked as he glared at the man.

"You cause so much trouble for others and hurt them then think you can get away with it as adults because you were just kids then?! Like hell, you punks!"

"Who the hell do you think you're talking to?" Mikey asked as Draken grabbed Mikey's head and pulled it down, forcing him bow.

"Hey! What're you d-?" Mikey asked as Draken interrupted him.

"This is completely our responsibility." Draken responded.

"Hey!" Mikey said trying to fight back.

"Like two pieces of shit bowing is going to make my daughter better?!"

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