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"LETS GET THIS OVER WITH." I said as I sat down on the couch beside Hanma, I was invited to this meeting by Chifuyu and Takemitchy.

Do I wanna be here? Absolutely not.

"I had an idea Hakkai was the little brother of the Black Dragons Leader." Smiley said with a smile plastered on his face.

"You knew, right, Mitsuya?" Muto, the Fifth Division Captain said but got no response from Mitsuya.

"The Black Dragons? What a hassle." Hanma said while smirking.

"Nice to know you care about me, Hanma." I said punching him slightly.

"There's no avoiding it, though." Kisaki said.

"We got all the Admins here?" Draken asked.

"Enter!" Mikey said turning his head to see Takemichi and Hakkai walk through the door.

"Okay, everyone's here." Draken said.

"As you all know, four days ago... Takemitchy was beaten by the head of Black Dragons. He committed violence on Takemitchy, knowing he's our First Division Captain. Which means that this... is a declaration of war by the Black Dragons." Draken said.

"Cheeky mother fuckers. Let's stomp their asses!" Smiley said as an irk grew on his cheek.

"We already crushed the Black Dragons once. It'll be easy, right?" Muto asked.

"We beat the Ninth Generation. The Tenth Generations totally different." Mitsuya said.

"Your missing the point!! It wasn't Takemitchys fault that he didn't know where the Black Dragons turf was. So why the hell did you take him there, Hakkai?" Smiley asked.

"Hey, Hakkai? Are you... acting as a spy for the Black Dragons?! You son of a bitch." Muto said.

"Your the bosses little bro, aren't ya?" Smiley asked.

"Tried to hide that from us, huh?" Muto asked.

"Hey! Maybe you should shut your mouth and here the full story first." I said getting up from where I was sitting and walked over to Muto and Hakkai.

"Stay out of this... you weren't even meant to be here today!" Muto said towering over me.

"So what? I'm here now, aren't I?" I asked Muto as he grabbed my collar.

"You wanna take this outside?!" Muto asked.

"Get your filthy hands off me..." I said to Muto as he lifted me off the ground.

"Hey! Cut it out you two!" Draken said as Muto put me down back onto my feet.

"I won't make any excuses. Hate me, beat me, do whatever you want. As his little brother, I'm prepared for the consequences. So, Commander!! I, Hakkai Shiba, Tokyo Manji Gangs Second Division Vice Captain... request permission to leave Toman!!" Hakkai said on his knees.

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