ch 13

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"LISTEN UP!" INUI YELLED grabbing everyones attention

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"LISTEN UP!" INUI YELLED grabbing everyones attention. "Today, me and Koko will be in charge of Black Dragons."

Inui held an umbrella over Taiju and Koko held one above my head. Taiju and I decided that we should hand leadership over to them today. After all, it is Christmas Day.

"Boss, we'll be going now." Inui said as he took down the umbrella from Taiju and Koko did the same.

"Right." Taiju said as I nodded my head.

"Don't mess up." I said to Koko as he smiled. "Oh come on now, you can trust us." Koko said.

"Come on, we had better get going." I said to Taiju as we made our way to the chapel.

After a short walk, we arrived and Taiju went inside while I went around to the side to smoke a cigarette.

I always hated Christmas, seeing everyone happy with their families made my heart hurt. I wish I could just have a normal family.

"Where did it all go wrong?" I asked myself as I sighed looking down at the small bouquet of beside me.

Taking the necklace out from my red uniform, I looked at the locket which was attached to it. "Mom..." I said with a sigh as I looked at the picture on it. The both of us were smiling in it.

We got the picture taken when the both of us ran away for the first time into the town. That's also when I met Mikey for the first time.

He was out with his brother on his motorcycle. He looked so happy with his family. Not a single bruise on his face. Where my face was black and blue from bruising off my father.

I had taken all the punches off my brother and my mother. I was the eldest. I had to protect them. Mom was already sick and her health was declining rapidly.

So, I had to be the one to step up to my father.

Sighing, I threw the butt of my cigarette onto the white snow and stomped it out. Placing my hands in my pockets, making my way towards the side door, I heard punching and fighting.

Stepping in the doors, I saw Yūta, Mitsuya, Takemichi, Chifuyu, Hakkai and Taiju.

"You're one tough bastard." Taiju spoke to Mitsuya. "I'm getting tired, so it's time to finish this. Right, Inui?"

"Death whack." Inui said as he hit Mitsuya on the head with a metal pipe to knock him out.

"Taka!!" Hakkai yelled as he ran to Mitsuyas side.

"You okay?" I asked Taiju as I stood side by side with him.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Taiju said as I nodded my head.

"What now, Takemichi?!! Taka, he's...!" Hakkai yelled.

"Of course he is. I swung as hard as I could." Inui said as he pointed the metal pipe down at Hakkai and Mitsuya.

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