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"WHERE ARE WE GOING?" I asked Mikey with my arms wrapped around his waist

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"WHERE ARE WE GOING?" I asked Mikey with my arms wrapped around his waist.

"It's a surprise." Mikey said to me over the sound of his engine.

Nodding me head, I tried to see if I recognised anything but I couldn't. Soon, we stopped at the Musashi shrine.

As Mikey turned off his engine, I took the helmet off and followed him to the steps.

"Why are we here?" I asked Mikey as he stood on the top step while I looked up at him from a few steps below.

"Do you remember the first time we met?" Mikey asked me as I gave him a confused look.

"Yeah, it was right here. You asked me to leave Black Dragons and join Toman." I said to Mikey as he smiled at me.

"Well, I need to ask you something." Mikey said. "Three years ago, we made a deal, remember? That if you and I were to ever face each other, we would never speak to each other again."

I put my head down, not wanting to show any emotions to him.

"Well, I don't want that happen. Instead the opposite." Mikey said as I lifted my head.

"I've lost so many people. I can't lose you too." Mikey said to me as tears threaten to fall.

"In truth, ever since we first met. I can never stop. It's like, the universe has its way of bringing us back to each other." Mikey said to me as I smiled.

"Do you feel it too?" He asked me as I looked at the falling snow.

"I do. Every time we go out separate ways, you always come back to me somehow. Like the Moebius fight." I said to Mikey.

"And the time you protected me during Valhallas fight. The way you hugged me after my brothers death and so many other fights." Mikey said as I smiled.

"You're strong, everyone knows that. If they ever crossed your path, you'd rip their head off." Mikey said as I smiled.

"What I'm trying to say is, I've fallen in love with you through admiration. You're the strongest and the only female in the whole of Tokyo who is apart of a biker gang." Mikey said as I blushed.

"I've always loved having you around me wether I'm happy, sad, annoyed, alone. You're the only person who I can tell all my problems to, so please join our gang and I will stick with you till the end." Mikey said as I grabbed his collar and finally kissed him.

I never felt this way for anyone apart from my ex boyfriend. Yet, Mikey was the only person who made me truly happy. I had always known my ex was planning something behind my back. The only people I could truly trust in this world was Mikey and Koko.

Departing from the kiss, I stared into Mikeys dark eyes with a smile. "We should head back." I said to Mikey as he nodded his head and took my hand in his as we walked back to his bike and he started up his engine.

Mikey patted behind him and I got on while wrapping my arms around his waist as we rode all the way back to Mikeys house.

"We're home!" Mikey yelled as Emma popped her head out to see the both of us.

"(Y/n)!!" Emma squealed as she ran to hug while I was taking off my shoes.

"Jeez Emma, let her take off her shoes first." Mikey said rolling his eyes as Emma flicked her brother's forehead.

"Come on! Everyone's waiting!" Emma said as she grabbed my hand and dragged me into the living area where everyone was sitting.

"Wait, what are you doing here?" Draken asked me as I looked at the ground.

"Well, my sister didn't have anyone to celebrate Christmas with this year so we all invited her here. No one should be alone on Christmas, right sis?" Yūta asked as he slung his arm over my shoulder.

"(Y/n)! Sit down beside me!" Nahoya said as he grabbed my wrist and sat me down beside him as he began to eat his food.

Looking around the table, I saw all of the Toman captains smiling while eating their food and joking about old times.

"(Y/n), come with me for a second." Yūta whispered to me and I followed him out of the room and into the kitchen.

"What's up?" I asked my brother as he held something behind his back.

"Merry Christmas." Yūta said with a smile as he handed me a wrapped gift.

"Yūta, I can't take this. I didn't get you a present." I said to Yūta trying to hand him back to present but he wouldn't allow it.

"Open it." He said with a smile as I began to unwrap the present.

Staring in shock at the present, I realised that it was our mothers necklace which she always used to wear.

"Yūta... why are you giving me this?" I said taking out the necklace.

"Mother always said it would look good on you." Yūta said to me as I hugged him tightly.

"Thank you." I said while hugging him.

"(Y/n)!!" Emma yelled as we departed from the hug.

"Coming!" I yelled to Emma as I ran into her.

When I arrived, I saw that all the captains were all sitting together while joking and messing.

"Come sit." Emma said grabbing my hand and sitting me down beside her. The whole night, we spent it laughing and joking about everything which has happened in the last year.

"Hold on, I'm getting a call." I said to Emma as I took out my phone and sat outside to take it.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Nice to hear your voice again." They said as my face lit up at the voice.

"Nice to hear from you, Izana." I said to him as we talked on the phone forever about different things.

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