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"WOW." I SAID IN shock at the beauty of the festival. It's New Year's eve and Mikey asked me to be his date last minute.

"It's beautiful isn't it?" I asked Emma as she smiled.

"Cut that out, Hakkai!! Give it back! That's my Ema!" Takemichi yelled as he kept trying to get it off Hakkai.

"Who's shouting 'my Emma'?" Emma asked as she turned around to look at them all. "Oh, it's Takemitchy." Draken said.

"Hakkai!!" Takemichi yelped as he pounced on Hakkai who accidentally threw the Ema behind him and it landed at Mikeys feet to which he picked it up.

"Is this your Ema?" Mikey asked as Takemichi ran out past us over to Mikey.

"Please, give it back." Takemichi pleaded.

"Wow, you sure are desperate." Mikey said as everyone at the festival began to gather.

"What's going on?" Takemichi asked in confusion.

"It's ten seconds till midnight!"

"Let's jump together!" Mikey said to us all.






"Happy new year!!"


"The first meeting of the year!! Of all members of the Tokyo Manji Gang will begin now!!" Draken shouted addressing all members of Toman.

"Toman and Black Dragons faced each other in conflict. We originally had a peace agreement, but that failed. It was caused by discord between the brothers Hakkai Shiba and Taiju Shiba. Toman clashed with the Black Dragons on Christmas, claiming victory after a hard fought battle." Draken said.

"Three people here today will discuss the matter. First person! Hakkai Shiba to the front!!" Draken shouted as Hakkai walked forward.

"It all started with a stupid little lie I told. To keep up that lie, I dragged my family... I dragged Toman into it. Then the problem grew bigger... resulting in conflict between Toman and Black Dragons. I'm responsible for this... everyone. I'm sorry." Hakkai said as he bowed his head.

"Don't worry bout' it Hakkai." Muto, the 5th division captain said as he stepped forward. "What sparks conflict in the first place... is always something small anyway!"

"Besides, we beat the Black Dragons. So things ended fine. Right guys?" Smiley, the 4th Division Captain asked.

"Raise your head Hakkai!"

"Nobody's gonna blame ya!"

"Hakkai!! You've still got a place with us... as the Tokyo Manji Gangs Second Division Vice-Captain!!" Mitsuya said as he stepped forward. "You guys cool with that?"

"Yeah!!!" Toman cheered and raised their fists in the air. "Hakkai!! Hakkai!! Hakkai!!"

"Now!! The second person!! (Y/n), Inui and Koko!! To the front!!" Draken shouted.

"(L/n) (Y/n), from the 10th generation Black Dragons."

"Seishu Inui, from the 11th generation Black Dragons."

"Hajime Kokonoi, from the same gang."

"The 10th generation Black Dragons lost to Toman. Our former leader Taiju Shiba, has retired. We have succeeded the gang as their new leaders."

"And after discussing it with Mikey... we've decided to join under Toman!"

"I assign the Black Dragons to the First Division. In other words, under Takemichi Hanagaki's command!!" Mikey said

"What?!!!" Takemichi said in shock.

"Got it?! Takemitchy?" Mikey asked.

"Y-Yeah..." Takemichi said.

" 'If we're going to be a part of Toman, we'd rather be with him...' that is what they want." Mikey said.

"(Y/n) wants to say a few words." Draken yelled as I stepped forward.

"Taiju was a strong leader. But, a strong soul must have their downfall. I have fought alongside Taiju for years of my life and those were the best years of my life. I have considered this a lot and have my choice. I am not going to join Toman." I said as everyone stared at me in confusion.

"(Y/n)! You agreed to this!" Mikey yelled at me as I placed my hands in my pockets while walking down the steps of the shrine.

"There's a new era for delinquents. A princess never follows another man. You should know that. If anyones going to be apart of this era. It's going to be me. As of today, the princess is now an enemy of Toman." I said to Mikey as I walked away.

"(Y/n)!!" Mikey yelled as I walked away. "If you walk away now, you will be expelled from Toman!!"

"You can't expel me if I already left." I said turning my head with a smirk as my heels clipped along the pavement to the edge of the shrine.

"Nice exit."

"Still the same old Izana." I said with a smile as I got on the back of his bike.

This was now... going to be our era.

"Tenjiku!" Izana announced starting out at all the delinquents.

"We have now gotten ourselves a princess. Treat her with respect. (L/n) (Y/n)! To the front!!" Izana yelled as I stepped forward and was given cheers from everyone.

"All yours." Izana said with a smile.

"I'm very thankful for you all letting me join. Of course, none of this could've happened without Izana." I said turning my head to Izana as he smiled at me.

"I was part of the 10th generation of Black Dragons. Yet, our Commander Taiju Shiba was defeated by the Tokyo Manji Gang. An hour ago was their meeting and I refused to join!" I yelled as everyone cheered.

"Long live the princess!!" Izana yelled as everyone threw their arms up in the air while chanting my name.

"Welcome princess." Ran said as I turned my head to smile at him.

"I missed you guys." I said going over to hug Ran and Rindou.

"We missed you more." Rindou said to me as Kakucho came over to me.

"You forgot me." Kakucho said as I ran over and hugged him.

"You've grown up." I said to Kakucho as he smiled.

"Here, especially for you. Our princess." Kakucho said while handing me a white uniform with the Tenjiku symbol on the back.

"Rindou insisted on you getting a white uniform." Kakucho said to me as I looked over to Rindou and saw him fixing his glasses.

"Thank you all." I said with a smile on my face.

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