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SITTING DOWN ON THE CAR, I pulled out a cigarette from my pocket and lit it

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SITTING DOWN ON THE CAR, I pulled out a cigarette from my pocket and lit it. This is how I dealt with stress and anxiety. As the nicotine entered my system, I felt at peace as I watched the battle continue.

Watching many members on both sides fall, I heard a scream from a Toman member.

"Draken!" Takemitchy yelled.

Standing up on the car, I looked over the crowd and saw Takemitchy beside Draken who was bleeding out on the ground.

"Shit!" I said throwing my cigarette away and running towards them both.

"What happened?" I asked Takemitchy as I kneeled down beside them both.

"I-I don't know!" Takemitchy said as I stood up and ripped the bottom of my kimono off.

"Here." I said handing it to Takemitchy who looked at it with a confused face.

"Wrap it around him you dumbass." I said as I rolled my eyes and applied pressure to Drakens wound.

"Where's your wifey? Tell her to call an ambulance!" I said to Takemitchy.

"Huh?" Takemitchy asked as I grabbed Drakens arm and pulled him onto my back.

"If we're going to save this big meat head, we need an ambulance." I said to Takemitchy as I walked with Draken on my back towards the edge of the festival.

"I'll take him!" Takemitchy said to me with a stern look on his face.

"Are you sure?" I asked Takemitchy as he grabbed Draken from me and walked towards the exit.

"Fair enough." I said with a smile as I heard the sound of rapid footsteps.

"Ahhhh!!" A guy with a Toman uniform screamed as he ran towards me with a long katana.

I recognise him now, he was at the fight club in which I beat Kiyomasa in.

Is he here to get revenge?

"What the fuck do you want?" I asked as I backed away from him.

"I just want you dead!" He shouted as he launched another attack on me.

Grabbing the katanas blade in my hands, I felt the blade sink into my skin causing in to drip blood. Pushing him away, I still held the blade in my hands.

Throwing the katana away, I looked at my hands and saw the blood dripping from my hands.

"Fuck!" I said as I winced in pain.

"I'm back!" He screamed as he pounced on me again.

Holding up my leg, I kicked him in the jaw causing him to fall back. When he fell to the ground, I ran to him and kicked him in the face until he fell unconscious.

Panting out of breath from the blood I'm loosing. I attempted to rip some more fabric but it was no use. My hands were too weak from the blood pumping out.

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