The Letter

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•| CHAPTER - 6 |•

Shehzaade Riyadh was moving towards the Palace on his black horse with full speed

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Shehzaade Riyadh was moving towards the Palace on his black horse with full speed. The dust were blowing backwards because of the speed.

As the white Palace began to come in the view the Shehzaade pulled the reign of horse making him go slower. He look at the side and saw the grand decoration for the soyamwar of Princess. He goes to the other side the back side of the Palace and leaving his horse outside the boundary, he entered inside the Palace and made his way towards the chamber of the Princess.

This time the Palace doesn't have many guards he look around as he made his way to the Chamber. He open the door slowly without be making a sound and entered inside. It was silent like before the white and pink curtains are blowing everywhere in the room.

He walked further inside and saw a figure clad in red laying on the bed and he became alert taking cautious steps towards the bed he glaze down at the Princess she is laying on her stomach the red colour dupatta with embroidery were covering her from up to down. He place his palm beside her on the bed and lean down towards her, his green orbs fixed on her. He was so close to her that fragrance of flowers with were fixed on her bun surrounded him.

Suddenly she turned and the black orbs collide with the green ones and the eyes got wider. The Prince were not able to get the clear view of her because of the red net dupatta were between them. Her red lips parted and she was going to scream when he clasped his hand on top of her mouth silencing her. He turned her shoving her head in the mattress stopping her from shouting and placing his knee beside her he immediately grabbed her hands trying to bind her wrists her bangles made loud sounds as she struggle to free her wrists but it was no use her heavy anklets were filling the entire chamber with sounds as she move her feet. He grabbed her waist and stood up picking her up on his shoulder.

" Choro hume"

" Leave me"

Riyadh clenched his teeth and close his eyes when he heard her voice. He made his way towards the door and come in the cooridor and saw no guard there but the problem is on his shoulder she hasn't stop her shouting since he abducted her.

He reached his horse made her sit first then sit behind her immediately placing his palm on her mouth to stop her shouting and by one hand he gripped the reign and give them a snap making the horse start running.



The soilders were standing at the gate and beside them several maids were standing with flowers filled plates to shower on the Kings and Princes. The King of Suryapratap Garh is sitting in between beside him the head commander is standing and in side the Queen and Princess were sitting. The invited Kings and Princes were sitting infront of King in a line and in middle there is a fountain.

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