The Sultanate

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•| CHAPTER - 10 |•

•| CHAPTER - 10 |•======================

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The cold breeze is coming from the curtains I can heard the sounds of them moving because of the wind and the cold wind is hitting the my waist and his hands are feeling warm against my cold skin as he move them on my sides. He kissed the sensitive spot of my neck and goosebumps come all over my neck and hands and I fisted my lehenga squeezing my eyes shut. He move up a little and groaned and the vibrations went to my eat making me shiver.

" Utaro ishe"

" Take this off" he said frustratingly and I open my eyes. I slide up from under him my bangles and anklets made sounds because of movement and he move up a little too giving me space as I sat leaning on the armrest.

I move my hands behind and my bangles down again filling sound in silence moving my hair to front I take off my chokar then chain necklace and place both on them to the side table beside his hookah.

Before I can turn and look at him he attacked my neck which is bare now and start placing kisses from my collarbone to my chest. I tilt my head back on the armrest but my eyes widened when I feel his teeth on my clevage and his hand behind his fingers tickling my bare back when he suddenly pulled the strings making the blouse lose around my shoulders and he start pulling down the shelves.

I fisted my hands.

It's ok he has seen you before.

I close my eyes taking deep breaths till now he has pull down the blouse and cold breeze fell on my bosom making my buds hard. My eyebrows pulled together when I feel his lips close to them and suddenly his took one of teh bud in his hot mouth and I feel his on another cupping which almost making me moan but I bite my lip before any sound can leave my lips.

He grabbed my waist by one hand while other stays where it was and pulled me down making me lay under him. He sucked harshly the hotness of his mouth and now this sensation is something else which I feel in my stomach and trickle from my core.

He is mercilessly squeezing them without any care his callous hands and ruthless behaviour was too much again my soft and sensitive body and now it starts to hurt a little.

" Rajkumar.."

" Prince.." I said in a soft murmur moving my hand up wrapping around the wrist of his hand which is on my left side of bosom. He stop the sucking and move his tongue around before moving up and placing his face in the crook of my neck. He is panting harshly.

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