She came in Disguise

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•| CHAPTER - 23 |•




I come out of the chamber and pulled the veil down over my face I start walking making my way towards my chamber. A smile graced my lips when I thought about the war. The war continuous for months or sometimes years, he will be away from me.

Ohh the peace I get just by thinking about this.

I giggled and walked with a slight bounce on my feet when I heard hushed voices and I halt. I blinked trying to focus on the voices. I move closer to the jali wall and look inside it and saw shadow of two men.

" It's time the Sultan is ready to leave the empire as soon as he left we start executing our plan"

" You think it will be this easy?"

" Ofcourse it was not him who spend the time here in Palace it was us. He had already killed my elder brother and most of officials aren't happy that he became Sultan and he married the Princess of another religion"

Ohh so they are planning against Sultan.

" They are already on our side once he left for the war we will make sure he gets killed in the battlefield and then I will be crowned as Sultan "

I stood there still. Conspiracy against the king is not something new but the problem here is, the plan is foolproof and it involves me.

If he dies I have to perform jauhar.

A shiver run through my body when the loud sound of instrument came. I pushed myself from the wall and walked towards the balcony I place my hands on the stone railing and look down at the crowd. The soldier were ready for the war wearing armour and weapons in their arms. Loud yells wishing the victory of the king and there he is in the middle on horse gripping sword in one hand and a grin gracing his lips.

He eyes scan through the crowd and suddenly it fell on me and my heart beat rise in that moment when our gazes met. Slowly his grin become more huge and I avert my gaze biting down on my lip. I move back my anklets bells made sound and I turned and walked to my chamber without looking back.


The sudden sound of metal plate hit the wooden table snatched me out of my thoughts I look in front and saw the maid looking at me apologetically. She place the plate down and move back and stood there keeping her gaze down.

I move forward and grab the spoon filling it up. I'm not peace since I overheard their conversation my thoughts are all over the place and I'm not able to come on a conclusion.

The sane part of me wants to inform him tell him everything and stop their plan from succeeding but another part me which wanted revenge stopping me from doing anything. I want to see him helpless when his position, his empire snatched from him.


I gaze at the ceiling while laying on the bed.
They are planning to kill him because that person can't become the King if the King is still alive. Whatever is happening I'm not doing it then it will no backstabbing right? I close my eyes.

But your mother didn't taught you this Princess.

My eyes flew open and the flashes of the consequences start coming in front of me.

" Begum Sultan he, he got martyrdom " the Maid informed me and I don't know how to react on this when she said something which snatched the ground from under my feet.

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