Suryapratap Garh To Sultanate

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•| Chapter - 9 |•

•| Chapter - 9 |•==================

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I feel him hovering over me, his nose is touching my cheek. He move his nose from my cheek to my ear then I feel his warm lips touching my earlobe and I shivered.

" Shehzaadi.."

" Gustakhi maaf Shehzaade"

" Apologises Prince "  A loud voice came from outside and I feel him moving away a little.

" Dafaa ho jao!"

" Go away!" he replied and went back to his previous position. His finger is still inside trying to move a little.

" Prince it's very important " the reply came.

He groaned and withdraw his finger and I feel him moving away the bed made a sound and then the sound of footsteps came and I open my eyes and through golden curtains I  saw his stillhoutee moving towards the door he move away the curtain and left the tent.

I move my hand and pull the quilt up covering myself fully with it I don't have enough strength to think anything my eyes are burning with the need to sleep so I close them and fall asleep.



I'm laying on the bed on my front and my face is resting on my hands. The words of my father is repeating in my head.

" Shehzaadi"

I look up and saw a shadow of a guard standing outside of the tent.

" A girl from your province requested to meet you"

Who she might be?

I sit up.

" Let her come"

He nodded and I saw the curtains move away and a smile came on my lips when I saw Chapla entered the tent. I get up and run to hug her. I hug her tightly squeezing my eyes, she hugged me back.

Rajkumari..aap kaisi hai?"

" Princess" we broke the hug " how are you?" Her gaze move from up to down.

" Chapla how did you came here? You shouldn't have came here" I asked her more concerned about her safety.

" Rajkumari what is this? Why you didn't tell the king that it is all that Sultanate's Prince dirty game. He doesn't love you. Why you didn't told him how he entered your chamber and then left a threatening letter for you and what is this? Vermilion? Did you married him?" Her eyes widened in horror. I gulp and look aside avoiding her gaze. When we both hear voices from outside.

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