Red Colour of Claiming

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•| CHAPTER - 17 |•

•| CHAPTER - 17 |•=======================

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He lift his foot revealing the bangle and my tear filled eyes widened and mouth open in gasp when I saw the gold got melted a little and by his foot pressure the shape of bangle got ruined.

He destroyed my mother's bangles.

A soft choked sob left my lips seeing the condition of my mother's bangle which I haven't I didn't seperate myself since I found this in my chamber along with her letter.

The whole Palace is decorated like a bride for the welcome ceremony of King's new Queen and I'm sitting against the wall in my dark chamber covering my ears so I didn't hear the loud happy voices tears continue slide down my eyes. The sound of paper come when harsh winds collide with it and my gaze went to my vanity.

I get up and walk towards it sliding down the paper under the bangles and start reading it.

Rajkumari Ahenkara,

You are my brave daughter never think yourself your alone I'm always with you.

My teary gaze fell down on the bangles I pick up the bangles and place them against my chest close to my heart.

I picked up the bangles and press them against my chest. I look up with rage and aggression in my eyes. A slight smirk on his face which is filled with pride of his doing. The hot red anger run towards my veins and I couldn't control myself.

I stood up and raising my hand up I strick him across his face.


The only sound audible is the winds and my loud breathing. His face is tilted to one side his hair come over his forehead because of impact creating shadow over his eyes his cheek turned red because of slap. The hot waves of anger cool down and my eyes widened and a cold sensation come over me making me tremble in fear when I realised what I did.

I slapped him.

I slapped the Sultan of Sultanate.

He slowly turned his face towards me the shadow covering half his face but his evil green eyes shined. I shiver in fright and just as I was going to take a step back a hand clasped around my neck in a vice grip and with all rage he shoved me back making me collide with the wall.

I gripped his wrist by my both hands his grip is so tight making it impossible for me to breathe.

" Inti himmakat"

" You dare to slap me" He growled in my face, clenching his teeth tightly. I open my eyes and look at him the tornado of rage is clear in his eyes, his lips curved up in snarl and showing his clenched teeth. I scratched his wrist by my nails tried to pray his grip from my neck.

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