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madison lopez, aka mads was a popular, rich girl. she wasn't born in woodsboro, but they had lived there for about two years or so, she was an only child who got along well with her parents.

her dad spoiled her, and would do anything for her. and her mother would do anything to keep her safe from harm.

as soon as she joined the school, she was the most popular girl, mostly just because she was hot and the new kid. and she then met her soon to be best friends, tatum and sidney, as well as a girl named casey becker but she only saw her in english and out of school.

it wasn't a shock that madison was gawked over by the boys in the school, but only one of these boys got her attention and that was the one and only, billy loomis.

he was the most attractive boy in her opinion. he had some sense of mystery hidden behind those dark eyes of his, and that drove her crazy. it made her feel the need to figure out more about him.

tatum was dating his best friend, stu macher. as soon as mads told tatum about her thinking about the mystery boy, she almost screamed in excitement, she always wanted the two to be dating best friends so they could have double dates together, etc.

so once tatum knew, stu knew.

she was standing talking to sidney and randy who weren't even really listening to her, the couple both had to head to class so they left maddie as she finished grabbing her books.

she closed her locker to see stu stood behind it, causing her to jump.

"jesus, stu. you scared me," she said holding her chest.

"i heard from a little birdy you have a crush," he says smirking towards one of his best friends, "it's not really a crush, stu. he just seems mysterious, and i want to be the person to figure out why," she says. stu raises his eyebrow at his friend, "why don't you talk to him?"

"i don't approach, i let them approach me, i'm not a beggar for men's attention, stuart," she says, "besides i don't even know his name," she tells him. "billy," stu replies.

"what?" she says, "that's his name, now you know," he says raising his eyebrows with pride.

"oh god, shush. we're late for class, come on," she says dragging the boy behind her.

now, she didn't think anything else of the situation until the next day she was packing away her stuff into her locker before leaving when she felt someone breathing against the back of her neck. she froze for a moment.

"hey there, mads," an unfamiliar voice says, she turns around to face the person only to see the person she was least expecting, the dark eyed boy.

he was looking down on her, almost as if he was processing as he scanned her body. whenever boys looked at her like that normally it made her feel irritated, they looked at her like they were saving an image for their spank bank later on.

but it was different when it was him, and she didn't understand why.

butterflies filled her stomach as she stared at his deep mysterious eyes, slowly trailing down her figure before making its way back up again a moment later.

"hi there..," she says once he's made eye contact with her, he moved closer to her. she backed up into the locker a bit nervous, her cheeks begin going slightly flushed. what did he want from her?

he moved next to the side of her face, "someone tells me that i'm your mystery man," he whispers into her ear, breathing against her skin. it made her get goosebumps from the warmth against her.

"oh right?" she says raising her eyebrows at him, "mhm," he replies smirking attractively.

"you've heard wrong," she says to him, holding a smile on her face to try persuade him as she was desperate to leave the school. she didn't like feeling this way in a public place, feeling like she was below him.

before going to walk off, he pinned his arm next to her on the locker, freezing her in place again.

"i don't think i am, maddie," billy says.

"so what if you aren't," she says, trying to get the conversation over with, he moves his hand up to her face and tucks her hair behind her ear. "you're cute when you're intimidated," he says.

"what do you want billy, my mom is probably waiting for me outside," she says in a relaxed tone. he pulls out a piece of paper from his pocket and hands it to her, she looks up at him confused. he hands her a pencil he had kept tucked behind his ear, "your number, then you can go," he says.

she tries to hold back a small smile before turning to face the locker and leaning against it to write on the paper. she hands him back the small piece of paper and pencil, he takes his arm off the locker next to her.

"see you around, billy," she says, "see you, madison," he walks the opposite direction, probably to go meet stu.

that's how they started, and it progressed from there and on. stu and tatum brought the two together and eventually they started to date. the two were crazy for each other, and nothing would change that.

billy would always be by her side in school, he'd always meet her right after class and if anyone even dared to look at her in a way that was disrespectful, they wouldn't be able to look at her again.

he was hers, and she was his.


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