5; a night to remember.

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she went downstairs, getting her mom to zip up the back of her dress. her dad lifting his eyes up from the paper to look at his gorgeous daughter, "you look perfect, mija," her mom says squeezing her hands, "indeed," her father speaks up. she smiles at the two.

"antonio better watch over you," "i will, sir," he says to mr lopez. he turns to face the raven haired girl, giving her a half smile. "you ready to go, miss lopez?" he asks, "yep, let's go," she says grabbing her bag and pulling it over her shoulder.

the two head out to the car and get in, driving to stus house.

he parks the car outside and looks towards the house that was swarmed with teenagers, beginning to regret saying yes.

"come on, what you waiting for?" she asks the man before opening her door and climbing out.

he follows behind her, his gun tucked away under his shirt. she watches as a cop car pulls up beside the two, her two best friends getting out to join her.

"alright, you girls have fun. not too much fun or i'll bust ya," dewey says lecturing the two, "hey dew," "hey mads. you doing okay?" he asks her. she nods, "i'll see you later, have fun," he says, "will do!" she shouts as she runs off after her friends, antonio slowly walking behind, trying to examine the huge house in front of him.

she walks into the kitchen, bringing out her bottles of booze out onto the table top. "oh that's mature," tatum says as stu pours a beer through a funnel into one of the guys in their years mouth, "you guys were tardy to the party so we started without you," stu says before doing a handshake with the boy, "my man!" he says.

antonio looked at the two with a blank expression, "i see you brought your guard dog or whatever," stu says looking at him, "he's freaking me out," the guy says to stu to which he nods sarcastically in response.

the group of four went and sat down on the couch in the living room, tatum sticking her tongue out at stu pretending to lick his face, while randy held up movies for a vote on which one to watch.

"the fog.. terror train.. prom night, how come jamie lee curtis is in all of these movies?" sidney asks, randy comes right beside her, "she's the scream queen," he says holding his hands in a way like he was worshipping her.

"with a set of lungs like that she should be," stu says to him, "yeah," randy agrees.

sidney, mads and tatum all looked at each other, "tits. see?" tatum says to sid and her. the door bell rings, stu gets up and hops over the couch, tripping and falling on his face, only to get up and turn to his girlfriend, crouching beside her.

"tate, grab me another beer would'ya?" "what am i? the beer wench?" she says rolling her eyes.

the couple on the other side of her were talking about movies, randys favourite thing to do of course.

she was bored waiting around for billy, and being watched over by antonio. it felt like his eyes were never off of her.

"guys you are not gonna believe who's here!" stu says bursting back into the room, "it's that chick from top story!" he shouts, "dude, gale weathers?!" "yeah," he replies to randy. everyone starts yelling all excited, "oh shit," tatum says annoyed.

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