7; the aftermath.

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the girl woke up, confused by her blurry surroundings. but could hear a familiar voice, a very comforting voice which instantly made her feel a bit more at ease before she set into panic as she had no idea what had happened.

sat beside her was her best friends brother, dewey riley. her eyes began to focus more, she turns her head to look around which gained the officers attention.

dewey grabs her hand, "hey, you're awake," he says, smiling towards the poor girl, trying his best to hold himself together. "dewey? what happened? where am i?" she asks him, her memory still foggy.

eventually picking it up that she was in a hospital, laying in one of those uncomfortable beds with a blanket that barely did anything to keep her warm, her body aching in pain. "you're in the hospital, mads. you were stabbed," he tells her, it comes back to her slowly. stu had stabbed her, she could remember the pain as she thought about it. "you almost bled to death, you've been in a coma for a week,"

"yeah but so did you, you got stabbed. what happened dewey, you had me so worried," she tells him, looking at the guy concerned.

"the killer stabbed me, i've got a fun little limp now," he says sounding a bit upset as he tried to joke about it.

"and what about sid? and tatum? or randy? are they okay?" she asks the guy, his face saddens and he squeezes her hand to show sympathy.


"no.. they can't be," she says bringing a hand up to her face, trying to hold back tears. "please tell me you're kidding," it was all starting to come back to her slowly.

"they're gone, mads. all three of them, and your bodyguard too..,"

she squeezes her eyes shut, hoping this was all an awful dream and she was just imagining it. she wasn't. it was her reality, and she feared for everything that was coming next.

"oh god, dewey. i'm so sorry," she says feeling bad for his loss of his little sister, he gave her a half smile, before she pulled him down into a hug, groaning a little from her wound. he leaned down to make sure she didn't move a lot, he was fine with him being in pain just as long as it wasn't her. she was still recovering.

"it was awful," he says to her, making it all flood back to his memories. "tatum.. she was found, wedged in a pet door," he tells her. her heart drops, she squeezes him tighter, before pulling away again. he frowns, rubbing her tears away before she lightly kissed his cheek to try comfort him. "i'm so sorry, dew," she says, he nods and takes his hat off, running his hand through his hair.

he was struggling to keep back his emotions, especially around her. but he didn't want to make her upset when she was laying in a hospital bed trying to get back on her feet.

her next thoughts were what would happen when she left the hospital, would stu try to kill her again?

stu and billy she thought.

they looked just as bad as her, who knows if they were actually still alive.

"and what about stu? and bil—" she goes to say, when there was a small knock on the door. seeing those dark eyes again, those mysterious dark eyes she once wanted to know everything about. instantly her chest tightened, she was scared.

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