4; facing the problem.

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madison woke up in the morning, feeling like a zombie. she only had fallen asleep around 4am. her thoughts took over her the whole night.

she showered to try wake her up a bit more, before putting on her outfit and her pearls. she grabbed her bag, met by a bodyguard at the bottom of the stairs. if anything it made her feel more likely to be a target, it was like she was drawing more attention to her with this huge guy following her everywhere she went. she quickly learned his name was antonio after her parents making him follow her everywhere she decided to get to know him.

she sat down and had her breakfast with her parents, pouring herself a huge cup of coffee while she was at it before heading out the door.

the bodyguard drove her to school, "here you go, miss lopez," "thank you, antonio," she says smiling lightly at the man before getting out. she knew her parents were just worried about her, but her limits came to an end at school. she wouldn't allow to be followed around in there.

"jesus, a bodyguard? really mads?" tatum says as she walks up to her looking concerned, "are you really surprised?" "not really," she says shrugging her shoulders.

"he's kinda hot though," tatum says smirking before walking with her and sid into the school.

madison shakes her head at the girls words, laughing.

she let the girls walk ahead to their lockers as she stopped at her own, swinging it open to find a note inside.

'i wouldn't ever hurt you, -b'

she sighed and crumpled the note in her hand, she took her books out from her locker and shut it again. there he stood, causing her to jump as he snuck up on her.

"you don't believe me do you?" "jesus, billy... leave me be! maybe i should've gotten antonio to come with me," she says annoyed as she storms away from him, tossing his note in the bin near to her.

"stop walking away from me," "who are you? my mother?" she snaps at the boy. "madison, please," he begs her.

the closed her eyes tightly, wishing he would just walk away. she couldn't do it herself, she needed him to go.

"please just go, billy. i don't want to do this, not here," she tells him, before turning to face him.

his face grew sad when he saw how tired she looked, how miserable she was.

"baby, i can't let you walk away from me. please let us work this out," he says. "come by my house later, that's the best i can do, but i'm not talking here in a fucking hallway, i cant," "i'll come in the window," he tells her.

"if you want to get shot, go ahead. my dad isn't too happy with you right now so i'd say the best idea is to come at the door so he knows you aren't avoiding this," she says before turning away again and walking off leaving the boy stood in silence, trying to figure out how to save this relationship of his.


she regretted saying everything to him as soon as sidney told her she had been called last night by the killer, while billy is locked away waiting for his phone to be checked. it couldn't have been him.

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