8; the end to suffering.

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the girl got released a week later into the hands of her boyfriend, her still not on good terms with him. her body making her feel ill from nervousness when she was met by him in the morning.

madison walked over to her car which billy had taken to pick her up in, not saying a word to him but instead getting into the passenger seat beside him.

he kissed her cheek, her not reacting whatsoever, just trying her best to ignore him. "baby, look at me," he said to her, "billy, either drive me home or get out so i can do it myself," she replied angrily, still staring away from him and out the window towards the hospital.

"fine," he replied, sounding a bit annoyed as he started up her car and began to drive.

along the way he went a different route, a way that didn't even lead to her house.

"excuse me dipshit, turn back around," she said getting annoyed with him, "why?" "you know why. this isn't the way to my house," she told him, he shrugged. "oh well," he replied to her, not sounding phased.

her face growing frustrated, leaning over to grab the wheel to turn the car around. him pulling out a knife from the pocket in the door, holding it up to her neck, causing her to retreat back into her seat.

"sit still,"

she was terrified, "billy, stop," she begged him, "i told you i'm taking you away from this place. i promised you that," he said looking towards her, "i even packed all your things," he said motioning to the backseat, she turned her head to look.

suitcases filled with all her things in them, the backseat was completely full. looking back at billy, petrified. she didn't want to go anywhere with him, she wanted to leave town with her family and to never return, to never ever see him again. maybe even to get him arrested by dewey before she did.

he drove to the next town over, parking outside of an apartment building. giving her a small tap on the leg to snap her out of her daydream. she wanted to run as far away from him as she could.

"our new start," he said, smiling at her.

she was trying to think of ways to get out of this. he turned to put the knife away back where he got it from, and once he did, she slammed his head into the window as hard as she could, it hurt him the first time making him turn towards her, her eyes widened since his expression had changed completely, like he had finally lost his patience with her.

a fist swinging right at her right into her gut, knocking the air out of her lungs, and feeling her blood leaking out from her recently stitched up wound.

she grew angry, and terrified. knowing if she didn't do something now she might not live to go back home. she managed to kick him right in the face, making his head slam back into the window once more, shattering it and cutting up his face.

she quickly got out of the car, moving away from it. looking to see him passed out with his head sticking through the broken window, covered in blood. panicking she ran to the nearest shop, clutching her stomach as it bled out, begging for their help once she got inside. eyes widening when they saw her and the state she was in.

they called the cops, going to the apartment building and finding billy with his head smashed through the window, he was alive, which was good because she didn't want to kill him. but she did want him to suffer for his actions.

he quickly woke up when the cops dragged him out the car, finding the knife in the car door, the same knife him and stu used to kill all those people. those poor innocent people.

they took him and arrested him, taking her to the station to be questioned after getting her wound stitched back up again. the police then allowing her to use their phone to call someone to bring her back home.

"hello?" they answered, "dewey," she said back, almost bursting out into tears from hearing his voice, "mads? is that you? are you okay? where are you?" he asked multiple questions back to back, she gave her location to him instantly, watching as billy got dragged off out the police station to be moved to a prison.

"please come pick me up, dew," she said completely terrified after everything she had been through, lying to him felt awful but she'd tell him everything once he arrived.

"i'm on my way. don't move, i'll be there in two hours,"


the girl fell asleep, exhausted and in pain. laying down on a couch in one of the officers offices.

dewey arrived, walking in, looking around frantically to find her. he needed to know if she was hurt or not, or if she was okay in general. he was directed towards one of the offices, limping into the room and seeing her t-shirt covered in her dried up blood. he crouched down by her side, touching her shoulder to wake her up.

her eyes fluttering open to see him, instantly feeling safe by his presence, a small smile appearing on her tired face. "hey kid," he said looking at her worried, "you okay?" he said as she slowly sat herself up, him helping to make sure she didn't end up opening her stitches up again.

"it was billy, dewey," she said to him, his expression turning instantly confused, "what about billy?"

"he was the killer, along with stu. they were both the killers. they killed tatum, and randy, and sid.. and a whole lot more," she told him, "i wasn't meant to witness anything, billy drugged me and kept me upstairs, but i managed to get out and find them just before they killed sidney.. stu was the one that stabbed me, thinking if he did then they'd get away with it," she tells him, needing to get the truth out.

"and i'm guessing he killed stu because of the way he spoke about him when i asked," she said biting the inside of her lip, before lifting her eyes to look at his expression, he looked at her with sympathy, feeling awful that a teenage girl had to keep this all to herself, "he told me to tell you it was all stus doing, that he was the only killer, that way we could be together. i was scared what would've happened if i said no, so i lied to you," she tells the deputy.

"please don't hate me,"

"oh god, mads," he said shaking his head, "i'm so sorry, dewey," she said, he stopped her bringing her into his arms, "don't apologise, i don't hate you, i just wish i could've helped you," he said holding the back of her head with one of his hands, her tearing up slightly.

"you're safe now, okay? we're gonna get you home to your parents," he tells her, she nodded.

"thank you, dewey,"

"it's all going to be okay,"

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